December 8, 1992 Advanced Gravis FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Advanced Gravis Debuts Analog Pro(tm) Gravis announces the ultimate joystick designed for flight and arcade action games. The Analog Pro has all the features game- players need to become "combat aces." The built-in throttle control lets users take to the skies and allows the pilot to power up or down with out ever touching the key board. Five fire buttons, including a trigger, let users blast away until the enemy is obliterated. The Analog Pro supports up to four independent fire buttons. It's adjustable handle tension and full-size padded handle ensures hours of comfortable play. The Gravis Analog Pro comes with free utility software for joystick calibration and testing. Analog Pro features include: þ Custom throttle control þ Five action buttons including a trigger þ Supports four independent fire buttons þ Tough exterior plastics and metal reinforced handle þ Eight handle tension settings þ Free Bonus software: Commander Keen and GravUtilites þ Bonus Choices Program The Gravis Analog Pro suggested retail is $59.95 and is shipping now. Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd. designs, manufactures and markets high quality microcomputer input devices, including the Gravis Analog Joystick, the Gravis GamePad and the optical MouseStick for the Macintosh and IBM PC platforms, as well as UltraSound, a 16bit, CD quality sound board. Contact: Brad Craig OTCBBS: GRVSF Advanced Gravis Toronto: AED (604) 431-5020 Vancouver: AED