Information on becoming an Authorized Advanced Gravis Nodes Revised February 16th 1993 ABOUT GRAVIS ------------ Since 1986 Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Ltd. has been bringing the world the best in innovative computer peripherals. From revolutionary top-rated Gravis JoySticks to the new Gravis UltraSound, we have proven ourselves a world leader. In January 1992, Gravis announced a new product which would change the PC Sound card market forever, the Gravis UltraSound (GUS). This sophisticated 16 bit digital wave table synthesis audio card started shipping in October 1992. Like other Gravis products the GUS has been a huge success and will soon be the new standard. With this explosive acceptance it is becoming increasingly necessary for Gravis to stay in contact with users around the world. HOW DOES IT WORK? ----------------- To achieve mass distribution of information we are relying on the power of computer Bulletin Boards and networks. Both of which have proven themselves in recent years as being able to reach the largest audience the quickest. Using these technologies we may now provide the opportunity for all those interested in Gravis products to meet each other, talk, ask questions, and share files. Also there are many benefits by bringing Gravis information closer to the user: þ Reduce the chance of misinformation þ Timely updates þ Better product support þ Saves customers long distance calls to Western Canada þ Brings more traffic and higher status to your system when people find out you are an authorized Gravis site. Using the same programs and protocols as FIDOnet, BBSes involved will be able to send and receive message and files to and from any and all other systems in the FIDOnet. Many echo mail conferences covering various subjects related to Gravis products have been set up to carry messages on a country and global basis. As needs grow, more of these will be introduced. WHAT DO I NEED TO JOIN? ----------------------- There are only a few 'MUST HAVE' requirements to become an 'Authorized Gravis Node'. However, it is important that you have a good understanding of how FidoNET and TICK work with your system. The following is a list of requirements and assumptions that will be made of you. þ You MUST have a FidoNET address. Nearly everyone who operates a BBS has access to FidoNET, which is why this was chosen. þ Working knowledge of TICK and HATCH. You may FREQ the magic name TICK to get the latest version of TICK from 1:153/978. þ Ability to call us at least once per week to pick up any waiting mail and files. To keep cost down we provide high speed V32bis access. Expect 1-5Mb per week of files and messages except when a new release is available. HOW DO I JOIN? -------------- To become an 'Authorized Node' you will need to fill out the application form, GRAV-APP.TXT, and send it to me at 1:153/978. Please rename it to your NODE#.APP. I would also like you to send me, John Smith, a netmail message telling me a bit about yourself, your BBS and why you would like to join. I will be going through all the applications the first week of March. It will take about a week to sort through all of them and come up with a list of possible candidates. I will then be making an announcement letting everyone know who we choose for the first 20 nodes. HOW WE WILL CHOOSE ------------------ Not everyone who applies will necessarily become an authorized node. We will be starting with a maximum of 20 nodes around the world. Currently our BBS is only 2 lines and I don't think it can handle any more nodes. In the future we will be adding some dedicated mail lines. This new number will be reflected in a future NODEDIFF. What I will do for the time being is between the hours of 1am and 3am PST the BBS will be shut down for MAIL ONLY. This means there will be NO user logons, only mail system calls will be accepted. Here is a rough break down of the regions we are looking at and how many nodes we would like in each. WESTERN CANADA 1 WESTERN US 3 CENTRAL CANADA 2 CENTRAL US 3 EASTERN CANADA 2 EASTERN US 4 EUROPE 4 AUSTRALLIA 1 For now we will be the only HUB. I don't plan to start GRAVIS NET. At least not yet :-).