AudioDrive ES1688 OS/2 Drivers Version 1.01 Software Release Notes October 2, 1995 About This Release ESS Technology is providing OS/2 drivers for the AudioDrive ES1688 chip in this Software Release. These drivers are complete updates to prior ESS releases for OS/2 Warp 3.0. This document provides: - a description of the changes to the drivers - installation notes Please read this document completely before you upgrade your system, and follow the instructions carefully. Release Information Product: AudioDrive ES1688 OS/2 Device Driver, Version 1.01 Drivers: ES1688 (with ESFM) OS: OS/2 Warp 3.0 Part Number: Release Date: October 2, 1995 Release Description The AudioDrive ES1688 OS/2 Driver Software Release incorporates the features listed below. Features in Version 1.01 ESFM support The OS/2 driver supports ESFM, ESS's advanced FM music synthesis technology. APM support The OS/2 driver supports Advanced Power Management (APM). It is recommended that users stop audio applications before putting the system into suspend mode. Bug Fixes 1. The OS/2 driver fixes the problem that I/O base addresses 230 and 250 were not allowed. 2. The driver correctly resets the MIDI controllers after the MIDI file is stopped. 3. The driver now can play fast tempo MIDI files. Known Problems 1. Opening too many MIDI files makes the OS/2 system unstable. This problem is related to MMPM/2 and depends on system resource. 2. Tempo in MIDI files is not 100% accurate due to timing delay. Installation Notes To install the new drivers successfully the following steps must be taken: 1. If you just want to update drivers for the same AudioDrive chip, go to step 3. If you want to replace drivers for different AudioDrive chips, then continue to step 2. 2. Open an OS/2 Window and run the ESUNINST.EXE program on the installation disk by typing "A:ESUNINST". This program will create a backup of CONFIG.SYS named CONFIG.ESS and remove the audio device lines from CONFIG.SYS. It also creates a backup of MMPM2.INI named MMPM2.ESS and removes the audio drivers information from MMPM2.INI. In addition, it removes any ESS driver information in COMPLIST.INI. 3. In an OS/2 Window run the MINSTALL.EXE program on the installation disk by typing "A:MINSTALL". Select AudioDrive ES1688 by clicking the mouse on that item. A checkmark means it is selected. If WinOS2 is installed in the system, you can select ES1688 WinOS2/Windows Audio support also. If not, make sure that item is not selected. Click the Install button to start the installation. Once the drivers are installed, shutdown and restart OS/2 for the new ES1688 drivers to take effect. These are the files copied to your hard disk: \MMOS2 ES1688DD.SYS VAUDDRV.SYS TIMER0.SYS MINSTALL.EXE \MMOS2\DLL CARDINFO.DLL ESSVSD88.DLL WININST.DLL WINRES.DLL \MMOS2\HELP ES1688IN.HLP \OS2\BOOT CLOCK01.SYS CLOCK02.SYS \WINDOWS AUDDRIVE.HLP AUDMPU.HLP \WINDOWS\SYSTEM AUDMPU.DRV ES1688WN.386 ES1688WN.DRV MIDIMAP.CFG MSMIXMGR.DLL