Additional Information Multimedia Pro 16ABO V1.10 This file contains additional information and changes about the various software that was not available at printing time. Win95 driver Installation for Sound Card ========================================= 1. Start the Windows 95 program. Click on the button on the bottom taskbar, select from the menu and click on the selection. 2. Select under Control Panel menu. Click on the button and select from "Add New Hardware" the screen and click on the button again. Adjust the scroll bar to "Sound,video and game Controllers" menu line and select it. 3. Click on the button, followed by the button. You will be prompted to insert Driver disk into A:\. 4. You should insert the sound card Audio Disk #1 into the Drive A: (B:) and path it to \WIN95 directory drive to continue the installation of the Windows 95 16-bit audio drivers. This will end the sound card drivers installation. 5. To make use of the WaveTable/External MIDI devices and joystick port. You should proceed to install the drivers for MPU-401 and joystick. To install these drivers, repeat steps #1 to #2 and shift the scroll bar downward to select "Microsoft" from the Manufactuers box. A list of drivers will now be displayed in the "Models:" dialog box. Click on MPU401 & joystick one at a time to complete the installation. (Note: MPU-401 & joystick drivers can be found in your Win95 CD-ROM.) 6. Restart the Win95 session to effect the newly installed drivers. 7. If you encounter any conflict after installation, please refer to the Trouble-shooting section in Win95 for further details. Aztech IDE CD-ROM Drive Installation ==================================== If you are connecting the CD-ROM drive to your primary IDE interface, include the following statement in the Windows file SYSTEM.INI under the [Enh386] section: 32BitDiskAccess=Off Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions (MSCDEX.EXE) ======================================== The above file is needed for operation of CD-ROM drives under the DOS environment. This file is only bundled with DOS version 6.x. Therefore, if you are using DOS version 5, please contact your local Microsoft's dealers for a copy of MSCDEX.EXE (for DOS version 5 usage). Using Digital (.WAV) Audio with DOS 6.x's DoubleSpace* ====================================================== The DoubleSpace utility included with DOS 6.x can cause problems if you attempt to play or record "high data rate" (i.e.: stereo/ 44.1kHz/16-bit) digital audio to or from a compressed disk. Therefore, if you anticipate that you will be playing or recording a lot of stereo/44.1kHz/16-bit digital audio, you should set up a non-compressed drive partition and configure the audio application to use this drive as their Work and Temp directories. For information on setting up a non-compressed partition for your hard drive, refer to your DOS 6.x Users Guide. *The same procedure should be followed if you are using Stacker, a third-party disk compression utility. Notes About Using EMM386.EXE ============================ When running applications with EMM386.EXE installed, the following error message may appear: "EMM386 DMA buffer is too small" You can overcome this problem in two ways: - remove the EMM386.EXE entry from the CONFIG.SYS file OR - add the following parameter to the EMM386.EXE entry in the CONFIG.SYS file: D=64 where D specifies how many kilobytes of memory should be reserved for buffered Direct Memory Access (DMA). An example of this may be: C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE D=64 ************************************************************* * In case you encounter any problem with our products, * * please quote the following model(s) when calling our * * Technical Support: * * WASHINGTON 16ABO Sound Card * ************************************************************* --- End of File ---