A L . . . . . . . . . . . R |-2 | | | | | [z][h]LANDMARK SOFTWARE[] | [z]=1142 Pomegranate Court Sunnyvale CA 94087 408-733-4035[][~LM] | [b]IMPORTANT:[] VALUE and the other programs in the LANDMARK UTILITIES package are neither public domain nor shareware programs. Rather, they are commercial programs. The cost of the LANDMARK UTILITIES package is $29.95. Companies wishing to bundle any or all of these program should contact Landmark Software for bundling prices. Dealers should ask about our DealerPak. Corporate users should contact us about multiple copy agreements and site licenses. [b]What Does VALUE Do?[] VALUE displays the value of a specified environment variable. If '*' and/or '?' wildcards are included in the specfied name, then VALUE will display all the environment variables (and their values) whose names match the specification and will also show the total number of environment variables and the total amount of environment space being used. [b]Why Would I Want To Use VALUE?[] VALUE supplies the features that are missing from the DOS internal command SET. SET can define an environment variable and can list all the environment variables and their values. But SET provides no way to display the value of a particular environment variable or to display all the environment variables matching a wildcard specification. You may like to think of VALUE as a directory command for environment variables. [b]How Do I Execute VALUE?[] The command [b]VALUE ?[] will summarize the syntax. For example, try '[b]VALUE COMSPEC[]' and '[b]VALUE C?M*[]'. When VALUE is used with a name that does not contain wildcards, the value of the specified environment variable is displayed both with and without single quotes around the value. This makes is clear whether or not leading and/or trailing blanks are part of the value. When wildcards are used, VALUE always displays a count of the number of matches. So a '0 matches' message means that there are no environment variables matching the spec. [z][g]Landmark Software[] [b]1142 Pomegranate Court[] [b]Sunnyvale, CA 94087[] [b]408-733-4035[] | | | |-