A L . . . . . . . . . . . R |-2 | | | | | [z][h]LANDMARK SOFTWARE[] | [z]=1142 Pomegranate Court Sunnyvale CA 94087 408-733-4035[][~LM] | [b]IMPORTANT:[] RENPATCH and the other programs in the LANDMARK UTILITIES package are neither public domain nor shareware programs. Rather, they are commercial programs. The cost of the LANDMARK UTILITIES package is $29.95. Companies wishing to bundle any or all of these program should contact Landmark Software for bundling prices. Dealers should ask about our DealerPak. Corporate users should contact us about multiple copy agreements and site licenses. [b]What Does RENPATCH Do?[] RENPATCH makes it possible to use a RENAME command other than the one provided by DOS. Because RENAME is an internal DOS command, you wouldn't normally be able to execute a program named 'RENAME.COM' because the internal DOS version would be executed instead. RENPATCH disables the internal version of RENAME and REN so you can use Landmark's enhanced RENAME command. [b]How Do I Use RENPATCH?[] As a safeguard, copy COMMAND.COM from the root directory of your hard disk to a diskette--so that you'll have a copy handy if needed. Change the default drive to the hard disk that you boot from, normally 'C:'. (This is necessary because RENPATCH will look for COMMAND.COM on the default drive.) Then, assuming RENPATCH.COM is on a diskette in drive A, execute the command [b]A:RENPATCH ON[] A message will appear indicating whether or not the patch was successfully applied. Then copy RENAME.COM from the Landmark Utilities diskette to your utility directory--any directory on your path will do. The command 'RENAME ?' will confirm that Landmark's RENAME command is being executed. That's all there is to it. The command '[b]RENPATCH ?[]' summarizes this information. | | | | | | | | | | | | | - 1 - | | |-2 | | | | | n [b]What Exactly Does RENPATCH Do And Is It Safe?[] COMMAND.COM contains a list of the names of internal DOS commands. RENPATCH simply changes 'RENAME' to 'RENAMZ' and changes 'REN' to 'REZ' in that list. So DOS no longer believes that RENAME and REN are internal DOS commands. We feel this is all perfectly safe and trouble free. Moreover, unlike most COMMAND.COM patches, this one is removable: The command [b]RENPATCH OFF[] removes the patch, thereby making COMMAND.COM exactly the same as it was before the patch was applied. If you are ultra-cautious, you might like to verify this assertion as follows: Follow the instructions above about copying COMMAND.COM to a diskette and then using the '[b]A:RENPATCH ON[]' command. Then use the '[b]A:RENPATCH OFF[]' command to remove the patch. Then put the diskette containing the copy of COMMAND.COM in drive A: and use the command [b]COMP C:\COMMAND.COM A:[] to verify that COMMAND.COM has been restored to its original condition. Then reinstall the patch. RENPATCH has been successfully tested with all versions of IBM DOS from 1.0 through 3.3. It was originally written for IBM DOS 3.1 and worked properly without change when IBM DOS versions 3.2 and 3.3 became available. There is a very high probability that it will work properly for any subsequent versions of IBM DOS 3.x. It is also likely to work with all versions of MS DOS that support a RENAME command; a version of MS DOS that used a different name for the 'RENAME' command wouldn't need the patch to begin with. The patch is not intended for use with OS/2. Could this patch be incompatible with anything? Yes, a program could conceivably assume that RENAME was an internal DOS command (instead of using the DOS RENAME function call 56H) and might then bomb out when that proved not to be the case. The only commercial programs known to make this questionable assumption are the installation programs for System Writer and System Writer Plus, both by Omega Research. The solution in such cases is to temporarily remove the patch via the RENPATCH OFF command. [z][g]Landmark Software[] [b]1142 Pomegranate Court[] [b]Sunnyvale, CA 94087[] [b]408-733-4035[] | | | - 2 - | | |-