A L . . . . . . . . . . . R |-2 | | | | | [z][h]LANDMARK SOFTWARE[] | [z]=1142 Pomegranate Court Sunnyvale CA 94087 408-733-4035[][~LM] | [b]IMPORTANT:[] BUSY and the other programs in the LANDMARK UTILITIES package are neither public domain nor shareware programs. Rather, they are commercial programs. The cost of the LANDMARK UTILITIES package is $29.95. Companies wishing to bundle any or all of these program should contact Landmark Software for bundling prices. Dealers should ask about our DealerPak. Corporate users should contact us about multiple copy agreements and site licenses. [b]What Does BUSY Do?[] BUSY fills the screen with a constantly moving pattern. [b]Why Would I Want To Use BUSY?[] BUSY was designed for testing multitasking environments such as Quarterdeck's DESQview. By executing BUSY in several windows, you'll see how fast the background tasks execute vis-a-vis the foreground task. Equally important, you'll see whether the execution is smooth or unacceptably jerky. That is, with multiple tasks, does the movement in the windows merely slow down or does it take on a pronounced 'start and stop' character? A jerky, 'start & stop' performance in the foreground window implies that activities such as scrolling will also be jerky--which you may find very annoying. [b]How Do I Execute BUSY?[] BUSY can be run in its default mode just by typing [b]BUSY[]. Or you can specify any option number from 1 through 9. We recommend that you use the option number that matches the window number: Use '[b]BUSY 1[]' in window 1, '[b]BUSY 2[]' in window 2, etc. This will cause alternate windows to move in opposite directions and will make it clear what window is on display even if you zoom to a full-screen display. The command [b]BUSY ?[] will summarize the syntax and options available. [z][g]Landmark Software[] [b]1142 Pomegranate Court[] [b]Sunnyvale, CA 94087[] [b]408-733-4035[] | | | | |-