ۥ--@ -'xDDD"D"D"D"D"R".""""" """"%%(%%%%%%%%%%)#&''!'4U'+!'D"!'!' PCMCIA Card Services 2.01 Release 1.00.04 General Notes 1. Whenever a change is made to the system which causes the resources, (I/O ports, IRQs and Upper Memory Areas), available to Card Services to change, the Scan function in the CardSoft Configuration utility must be run. This updates the CSALLOC.INI file which is used to communicate the available system resources to Card Services at boot time. The system must be re-booted after the resources have been re-scanned so that Card Services can be informed of the change. The following examples illustrate times when the system resources may be altered: A. System SETUP was used to enable / disable a device such as the internal COM port. B. The configuration of a memory manager such as EMM386.EXE was changed. 2. Advanced Power Management (APM) is not supported in this release. This will be addressed in a future release of the software. 3. ATA drives will get the first logical drive letters and SRAM cards will be next. For example: One Slot System Two Slot System   Slot 0 Slot 0 Slot 1  ATA Card D: D: E:  SRAM Card E: F: G:   4. The Card Services device drivers can be loaded high to conserve conventional memory. The following example shows one way to do this: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS X=D000-DFFF DOS=HIGH,UMB . . . DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\SS365SL.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\CS.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\CSALLOC.EXE C:\CARDSOFT\CSALLOC.INI DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\ATADRV.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\SRAMDRV.EXE DEVICEHIGH=C:\CARDSOFT\CARDID.EXE Note - If you add the memory manager after Card Services has already been installed, you must re-boot to load the memory manager into memory, run the CardSoft Configuration utility to re-scan the system resources and then re-boot the system to make Card Services aware of the configuration change. See general note 1 above. Known Problems 1. CardView SETUP doesn't add the COMxBase and COMxIrq lines to SYSTEM.INI. Work Around The Windows SYSTEM.INI file must be edited to included COM port definitions that match those defined for use by Card Services. The COM Port Definition used by Card Services can be viewed / changed using the CONFIG utility. The default is as follows: Port 1: 3F8, IRQ 4 Port 2: 2F8, IRQ 3 Port 3: 3E8, IRQ 4 Port 4: 2E8, IRQ 3 The Windows SYSTEM.INI file needs to have this information added to it. This can be accomplished by using the DOS EDIT program to add the following lines after the COM4NONREMOVABLE=FALSE line: COM1Irq=4 COM1Base=03F8 COM2Irq=3 COM2Base=02F8 COM3Irq=4 COM3Base=03E8 COM4Irq=3 COM4Base=02E8 Note - The COM port information in SYSTEM.INI must match the Port information used by Card Services. If it is changed in one place, the corresponding change must be made in the other. 2. PCMCIA modem cards cannot be assigned to COM1. Work Around PCMCIA modem cards can be configured to use COM1 under DOS as follows: A. Use system setup to disable the internal COM port. B. Use the CONFIG utility to change the Modem to port 1. C. Use the CONFIG utility to re-scan the system resources. D. Reboot the system. PCMCIA modem cards can be configured to use COM1 under Windows as follows: A. Perform steps A - D above. B. Edit SYSTEM.INI and add the line COM1NONREMOVABLE=FALSE before the COM2NONREMOVABLE=FALSE line. C. Restart Windows D. Use CardView to re-configure the modem for use as COM1. Note - If Windows is configured to use COM1 for PCMCIA modem cards then CardView won't be able to configuire the modem to use any other COM port. This limitation should be removed in the next release. 3. IRQ9 is available on the system for use by PCMCIA cards but is not being sensed by the Scan function in the CONFIG utility. Work Around Use the CONFIG utility to manually add IRQ9 to the list of IRQs. After the system has been re-booted, IRQ9 will become available. Note - When the CSALLOC utility runs at boot time the following warning will be displayed: WARNING: Conflict detected with IRQ(s) starting at IRQ9 Re-execute CSALLOC.EXE from the DOS prompt and reboot. Do not re-execute CSALLOC.EXE, it will re-scan the system resources and will remove IRQ9 from the list. Ignore this warning message if the CONFIG utility was used to manually add a resource such as IRQ9. 4. The CONFIG utility shows IRQ10 and IRQ15 as available on a PowerExec. It shows IRQ10 as available on a Bravo NB / Advantage! Explorer. These interrupts are not available for assignment to PCMCIA cards. IRQ10 is used by Card Services and is not available. On a PowerExec, IRQ15 is not connected to the PCMCIA controller and is therefore not available for use by PCMCIA cards. These anomalies will be addressed in a future release of the software. Work Around Don't try to assign IRQ10 or IRQ15 for use by PCMCIA cards. PCMCIA Card Services 2.01 - Release 1.00.04 DATE08/20/93 AST Confidential Page PAGE2 AST Confidential v*@kE Q 5A)4r  #k|l]l]O= H C Hl , >x H%x Hx HCx H l -`` $ H$ $$$ br|v$ $& !$ $( !$ $$$$$ $ H $ Hl , > H% HOLeft indented paragrbullet level 1bullet level 2Bullet level 3Bullet level 4Right para (side by Decimal aligned bullLeft Para (side by s Bold CenteredNormal CenteredSecond level - left Overhead 1 Overhead 2 Overhead 3 Overhead 4 Overhead 5Code paragraph(Ref) Spec headerRoutine Input OutputB B F  AF  F  B B B F  F  AF  B B B B B B B B B B B B B F  F  F 0 F H F F  B         p `P`PpPpPp`          "8p 0 l  l 0?bv|  "Times Symbol "Helvetica 1Courier0elite 0prestige lettergothic 0gothicPS1LinePrinter"Helv "AvantGarde"Helvetica-Narrow0metro0presentation0APL0OCRA0OCRB Bookman emperorPS madaleinezapf humanist classic roman f roman g roman h Tms RmnNewCenturySchlbk Palatino souvenir garamond caledonia bodini university BScript @scriptPS @script c @script d@commercial script@park avenue @coronet @script h@greekkana hebrew roman s russian roman u roman v roman w Pnarrator PemphasisBZapfChancery Pdecor dPold english Pdecor f Pdecor gPcooper black 0linedrawmath7math8RZapfDingbatsEAN pcline tech h1MS LineDraw "HelveticaTimes,1:V[]|!HP LaserJet III PostScriptLPT3:pscriptHP LaserJet III PostScript VD[ od,txdata1.psXZZe 7 7 7 ""he0إ)إ 7+ Steve Wonser Steve Wonser