ۥ--@ -1d     4/5Contents Introduction 1 Abbreviations 1 Viewing the README File 2 Before You Install the Software 2 Installing the Card Services Software 3 About the Card Services Software 4 Installing the Software 4 Installing the CardView Program 6 Installing Communication Software and Network Drivers 6 Configuring a Modem Card 6 Configuring a Modem Card as COM 1 7 Configuring a SCSI Card 8 Configuring a Network Card 9 Novell NetWare Drivers for the Ethernet Card 9 Novell NetWare Drivers for the Token-Ring Card 10 IBM Local Area Network Support Program Drivers for Ethernet and Token-Ring Cards 11 Windows for Workgroups Drivers for Ethernet Cards 12 LAN Manager Drivers for Ethernet Cards 13 Installing a PCMCIA Card 13 Using the Card Services Programs 14 Using the CONFIG Program 15 File/Edit Configuration 15 File/Save Configuration 18 File/Exit 18 Utility/Resource Allocation 18 Display/Color (Monochrome/LCD) 19 Using the CardView Program 20 Configure/Network 20 Configure/Modem 21 Notify/On Cards 22 Notify/On Events 22 Options/Run Minimized (as Icon) 22 Options/Enable Insertion/Removal Beep 23 Using the CardInfo Utility 23 Upgrading Your Card Services Software 24 @xxxx& ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a c d e f g h i j l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~  Contents Introduction 1 Abbreviations 1 Viewing the README File 2 Before You Install the Software 2 Installing the Card Ser1J6Qt 'W@](G]q1$HHanging indentStandard Note textIndex letter head Boxed figureIndentScreen prompts End of PRProblem-action Step textTitleConfig list text-ind3-column tableConfig listing text2-column table Last PI lineIndented PR paragrap2nd para of step Table textVariable descriptionTitle page top lineTitle page descriptiTitle page manual nuCopyright pg-editionCopyright left colum2d level hanging indLast 2nd hng paraLast hng indent para Part numberDateInstall guide tradem Product nameFCC warning subhead4-column FCC indentFCC warning textB B B B B B AF   F F AF @ B B F  AB B B F F B B F  B F B F F F B F B F$ F F F  F B B B F  F  F F  AF  F F F  h e $p$p$x(I hxx(Ix(I2 $<0$<`(8xee$&I'I(I)I2$<0280 28e0 $< 2$<0 x $2p` C 8 $(LC8e0C802$<0C8h2 $<p  L Lp$(p$d2 $P0 8 8 L? !x"`#L$2 L(0%L@  !"#$%1J1 Times Symbol "Helvetica 1Courier0elite 0prestige lettergothic 0gothicPS1LinePrinter"Helv "AvantGarde"Helvetica-Narrow0metro0presentation0APL0OCRA0OCRB Bookman emperorPS madaleinezapf humanist classic roman f roman g roman h Tms RmnNewCenturySchlbk Palatino souvenir garamond caledonia bodini university BScript @scriptPS @script c @script d@commercial script@park avenue @coronet @script h@greekkana hebrew roman s russian roman u roman v roman w Pnarrator PemphasisBZapfChancery Pdecor dPold english Pdecor f Pdecor gPcooper black 0linedrawmath7math8RZapfDingbatsEAN pcline tech h1MS LineDraw #h.؅إإq5Karalee DickersonKaralee Dickerson