ۥ--@ -    .           """"""@4t5@@@AST Notebook Computer PCMCIA Card Option Guide 001905001 A September 1993 First edition (September 1993) Copyright 1993 AST Research, Inc. All rights are reserved, including those to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form without permission in writing from AST Research, Inc. AST Research periodically changes the information in this manual; changes are incorporated into new editions. AST Research reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. AST Research, Inc. shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. AST and AST Research are registered trademarks of AST Research, Inc. SystemSoft is a registered trademark, and CardSoft is a trademark, of SystemSoft Corporation. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks, and Windows is a trademark, of Microsoft Corp. Novell and Netware are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. federal communications commission (FCC) Class-B warning This equipment generates and uses radio-frequency energy. If not installed and used properly, the equipment may interfere with radio or television reception. The equipment has been tested and certified to comply with the limits for a class-B digital device, as defined in part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. Class-B limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio/television interference in a residence. To comply with FCC regulations, you must use shielded cables with this equipment. Operation with unapproved equipment or unshielded cables is likely to result in interference with radio or television reception. Changes made to this equipment without the approval of AST Research could void your authority to operate the equipment. The equipment may cause interference even though it meets class-B limits. (As a test, turn the equipment off and on, and gauge the effect on an operating radio or television.) If there is interference, try to eliminate it by: l Reorienting or relocating the receiving antenna of the radio or television. l Increasing the distance between the equipment and receiver. l Connecting the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. l Consulting your authorized AST reseller or an experienced radio/television technician for help. @xxxx01905001 A September 1993 First edition (September 1993) Copyright 199; < = 7 8 9 <  kE CV ; 7 Ŀ##$$$!xhbHanging indentStandard Note textIndex letter headIndentScreen prompts End of PRProblem-action Step textTitleConfig list text-ind3-column tableConfig listing text2-column table Last PI lineIndented PR paragrap2nd para of step Table textVariable descriptionTitle page top lineTitle page descriptiTitle page manual nuCopyright pg-editionCopyright left colum2d level hanging indLast 2nd hng paraLast hng indent para Part numberDateInstall guide tradem Product nameFCC warning subhead4-column FCC indentFCC warning textFCC warning titleGerman warning - no B B B B B B AF F F AF @ B B F  AB B F F B B F  B F B F F F B F B F$ F F F  F B B B F  F  F F  AF  F F F AF  F  h e $p$p$x(Ixx(Ix(I2 $<0$<`(8xee2$<028028e0 $< 2$<0 x $2p`  C 8 $(LC8e0C802$<0C8h2 $<p  L Lp$(p$d2 $P0 8 8L? x!`"L#2 L(0$L%$ &8A  !"#$%& ! QI   n  Times Symbol "Helvetica 1Courier0elite 0prestige lettergothic 0gothicPS1LinePrinter"Helv "AvantGarde"Helvetica-Narrow0metro0presentation0APL0OCRA0OCRB Bookman emperorPS madaleinezapf humanist classic roman f roman g roman h Tms RmnNewCenturySchlbk Palatino souvenir garamond caledonia bodini university BScript @scriptPS @script c @script d@commercial script@park avenue @coronet @script h@greekkana hebrew roman s russian roman u roman v roman w Pnarrator PemphasisBZapfChancery Pdecor dPold english Pdecor f Pdecor gPcooper black 0linedrawmath7math8RZapfDingbatsEAN pcline tech h1MS LineDrawTimes New RomanNN Nh<# h/؅؅O؅x 5Karalee DickersonKaralee Dickerson