Installation instructions for Courier V.Everything flash code rev. 3/13/98 USRSDL.EXE is a self-extracting archive containing the flash code for all domestic 20mhz Courier models. Extract the distribution files into an empty sub directory on the harddrive. There is a file called "SDL20.EXE" that will execute all the necessary commands for the DOS-based flash utility. SDL20.EXE needs to be executed the COM port as the only parameter from the subdirectory you extracted the files to. For example: If your Courier modem is on COM1: execute: SDL20 /C=1 If your Courier modem is on COM2: execute: SDL20 /C=2 You will see it establish communication and begin the flash process. The process should take approximately 2-3 minutes after which the USR.CFG will write changes into NVRAM. You may want to make a screen print of your current settings first (ATI4) from within a terminal application. USING NON-STANDARD IRQ ON YOUR COM PORT The standard IRQ for a COM Port is as follows: COM1: AND COM3: IRQ4 COM2: AND COM4: IRQ3 If you are using any other IRQ than the standards noted above, you must manually inform SDL20.EXE of the non-standard IRQ through the "/i=" parameter. For example, if the Courier V.Everything modem is on COM3, IRQ5 the SDL20.EXE command line should be: SDL20 /C=3 /I=5 NOTE: For users of internal Courier Modems! If you have your Courier modem jumpered to PNP mode or jumpered to to IRQ 9, please update via the XMODEM method (see XMODEM.TXT for more information). __________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1997, 3Com Corporation. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, 3Com registered trademarks are registered in the United States and may or may not be registered in other countries. 3Com, Boundary Routing, LANplex, LinkBuilder, NETBuilder, NETBuilder II, Parallel Tasking, EtherLink, SmartAgent, TokenLink, TokenDisk, SuperStack, Transcend, and ViewBuilder are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. EtherDisk, EtherLink II, FDDILink, FMS, and NetProbe are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.