====================================================================== Title: Boot Block Recovery Procedure for Anigma BAT Motherboard ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: BAT-REC.TXT WWW URL: http://www.firmware.com/pb4ts/bat-rec.htm FTP URL: ftp://ftp.firmware.com/text/bat-rec.txt Author: Terry Slade, Micro Firmware Technical Support Revision: 04/24/97 Summary: Instructions for using boot block recovery procedure to restore BIOS code to flash chip on GW2K Anigma BAT motherboard. ====================================================================== The Anigma BAT is a 486 PCI motherboard. The part number BAT486ip is silkscreend onto the underside of the front right corner of the board. There may be a bar code sticker on the top side board (between the ISA slots) containing the serial number and part number in the form * GTY BAT486IP xxxxxxxxx *. The original BIOS version is Phoenix A486 Version 1.03. The boot block procedure is normally used if the BIOS code in the flash chip is corrupt or erased (usually resulting in a black screen on poweron), or if the wrong BIOS code has been flashed into the chip. This procedure may also be required if the boot block jumper has accidentally been moved. The procedure requires a valid recovery disk, normally created during installation of a flash BIOS upgrade. We do not have a BIOS upgrade for this board at this time and do not know of any other BIOS version for this board. We do have a patch for the original BIOS (available on our web site), which adds support for the Intel Pentium Overdrive CPU. The installation program for this patch will automatically create a recovery disk for the original BIOS. This recovery disk is also available on Micro Firmware's FTP site and BBS as filename BATRD.EXE, which is a self-extracting ZIP file containing a self-extracting diskette image of the recovery disk, a README file, and this file. Boot Block Recovery Procedure: . 1. Turn system off 2. Move boot-block jumper J29 to pins 1-2. (J29 is located at the top of the bank of jumpers just to the right of the CPU socket). 3. Insert recovery disk. 4. Turn system on. In a few seconds, the diskette drive light will come on. A few seconds later, the speaker will beep once or twice. Diskette access light will remain on, the following text will be displayed onscreen: Installing BIOS from Recovery Disk. When the process is finished the diskette drive light will turn off and the system will beep 4 times. You will then need to remove the Recovery Disk from the drive and power off or press the reset switch to restart your computer. This process will take about 4 minutes. 5. After 4 beeps, turn system off, remove diskette. (If diskette is left in drive and allowed to boot - the flash chip will be wiped out and process must be repeated.) 6. Move jumper J29 back to pins 2-3. 7. Turn system on, setup CMOS. . The recovery diskette has its own operating system on it and also has a special boot sector. Since it has a non-DOS boot sector, it cannot be duplicated by just copying the files to another diskette. It can be duplicated by using the DOS DISKCOPY command. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== (C) 1997 Micro Firmware, Inc.