Caution: This version BIOS(433AUS2b) is for HOT-433 motherboard which does NOT support PS/2 mouse. If your motherboard support PS/2 mouse, please download different version BIOS other than this one. To tell if your motherboard will support PS/2 mouse, just verify if your motherboard has external keyboard BIOS. If it does, it will support PS/2 mouse. If the keyboard BIOS socket is empty, it will NOT support PS/2 mouse. Warning: Apply the wrong BIOS on the HOT-433 motherboard will cause the whole system malfunction. At that point, restore the BIOS back to the correct one will become impossible if you do not have the Flash ROM programmer! ************* HOW TO PROGRAM THE FLASH ROM ************* 0. Please follow the following rules to select the BIOS upgrade utility you need: If your existing BIOS is AMI BIOS: Use AMIFLASH.COM if your flash ROM is made by SST. Use FLASH465.COM if your flash ROM is made by Windbond. If your existing BIOS is AWARD BIOS: Use AWDFLASH.EXE program. 1. Copy the the BIOS upgrade utility and the file(.ROM or .BIN) you want to the same directory of the hard drive in your system. 2. Disable both internal and external cache in the CMOS setup. 3. Reboot the system and press F5 during boot-up to bypass "CONFIG.SYS" and "AUTOEXEC.BAT". 4. Execute the BIOS flash utility. 5. Then it will ask which BIOS file you want to use. You have to type in the BIOS file name and reply 'yes' to proceed. 6. After the BIOS is updated, the system will reboot automatically. Contact Technical Support at 408-945-1480 if you have any questions.