TITLE: Mail Option Doesn't Appear On File Menu (Microsoft Mail 3.01) PRODUCT: WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows Problem The Mail option does not appear on the File menu. You are using Microsoft Mail 3.01. Solution During installation, WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows looks for one of three files in the path: VIM.DLL, MAPI.DLL, and SMI.DLL. If one of these three files is not found, the Mail option will not show up on the File menu. If the Mail option does not appear on the File menu, the mail information was not added to the .BIF file. This will happen if the MAPI.DLL file is not in the Windows directory or the path. Putting MAPI.DLL in the path and running the workstation install again usually solves the problem. This problem can also be fixed by manually adding the appropriate information using the BIF Editor. 1 Open the appropriate .BIF file (the private .BIF file for most users). 2 Open the WP Shared Code group, then open the Mail section. 3 Edit the MAPI item. If any of the items listed in steps 1 through 3 do not exist, 1 Click Insert. 2 Change the Item Type to ANSI String and fill in the fields as indicated below: Group: WP Shared Code Section: Mail Item: MAPI (NOTE: MAPI is case sensitive--you must type it in capital letters.) Value: &Mail 3 Save the .BIF file by choosing Save from the File menu. 4 Start WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. The Mail option will now be displayed on the File menu. The ampersand (&) in the Value field indicates which letter is used as the mnemonic for that mail option; for example, the letter after the & will be underlined on the pull-down menu. Pressing that letter will open the Mail option. These directions will work for other MAPI-compliant mail programs as well.