Printer and Conversion Update WordPerfect Corporation has always had a policy of responding to customer needs between major product upgrades. The Printer and Conversion Update disk is an example of our commitment to better serve our customers. This disk is not an interim release, but an update disk that addresses some specific issues listed below: Conversion of Fonts: When converting WordPerfect 5.x documents to WordPerfect 6.0 format, fonts were not converting correctly at times. Fonts will now convert correctly if the same printer is selected in WPWin 6.0. If the font is not found or the font information is incomplete, the fonts will default to Times New Roman, Courier, or Arial. Conversion of Codes: In WordPerfect 5.1 documents, page-oriented codes (such as headers or footers) which are preceded by text on the page would take effect on the next page. When converting to WordPerfect 6.0 format, these codes would override any similar codes on that same page if they were in a style. Because of this update disk, these page codes in styles will now be placed in delay codes, so that they will go into effect on the following page. However, please be aware that if the page codes are combined in the style with other types of codes that cannot be delayed, the code in the style will still override the code at the top of the page. Printing: With PostScript and HP WordPerfect printer drivers (*.PRS), WPWin 6.0 printed ATM and TrueType text as graphics, which caused large output file sizes and long total print times. WPWin 6.0 now downloads ATM and TrueType fonts to these printers, improving overall printing speed. WPDraw: With some scanners, the error message "Scan Operation Failed..." would appear and prevent an image from scanning directly into WPDraw. The scanners causing this error message included: Logitech 256 grey scale, Mustek HT 800 Turbo and MarsTech CG6000. These scanners can now scan directly into WPDraw. Pleading Enhancement: To answer requests from the legal community, a pleading macro (PLEADING.WCM) and a pleading template (PLEADING.WPT) are now shipping with WPWin 6.0. This automated template guides the user through the creation of a pleading document. Optimizing WPWin 6.0 Understanding the following three issues will help users to better operate WPWin 6.0: 1. If you are using a 256-color driver and are having general problems with WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows, try using the /fl startup switch. You can add this startup switch by editing the command line found under Properties of the WPWin 6.0 icon (for example, c:\wpwin60\wpwin.exe /fl). In the Windows Program Manager, select the WPWin 6.0 icon, and choose Properties from the File menu. 2. We are aware of conflicts with a Windows file, DDEML.DLL, dated 4/22/92. The correct version of this file should be found in your System directory (e.g., c:\windows\system). If you find this file (DDEML.DLL, 4/22/92) in your Windows directory, please rename or delete it. 3. Many performance issues can be resolved by optimizing your machine to run under Windows. We suggest the following: * Use a disk cache such as SmartDrive * Set up a permanent swap file; for example, one common configuration is to have the total of your physical RAM plus your swap file equal 16MB * Have an adequate files statement in your CONFIG.SYS; we recommend 50, or more if you are running multiple Windows applications As previously stated, the Printer and Conversion Update disk is not an interim release. We are planning to ship an interim release (WPWin 6.0a) during the first quarter of 1994. As always we hope that you will communicate with us if you have any questions or concerns. We are pleased by your interest in WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows and look forward to your feedback as we continue to enhance our Windows word processor.