TITLE: Button Bar Replaced by Gray Shaded Area PRODUCT: WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 for Windows Problem A gray, shaded area displays on your screen in place of the Button Bar. Concept Displaying the Button Bar consumes computer memory, so in order to display a Button Bar, you must have enough memory available. When you select View Button Bar, WordPerfect for Windows uses the BARNAME=PATH\FILENAME.WWB command in the WPWP.INI or WPWP###.INI file (þ###þ represents network user initials) to determine which Button Bar to display. A BARNAME command must exist to display a Button Bar. WordPerfect for Windows retrieves Button Bar (.WWB) files from the directory you specify Under Preferences in Location of Files. A Button Bar can only be retrieved if a .WWB file exists in the specified directory. Solutions You first need to verify that the correct directory is specified in Location of Files. 1 Select Location of Files from the Preferences menu. 2 Verify that the Button Bar directory is correct. If the cause is not enough memory:  Close other applications before you open WordPerfect for Windows.  Minimize Windows program groups. If the cause is the WPWP.INI file:  Place a BARNAME=PATH\FILENAME.WWB command in the WPWP.INI or WPWP###.INI file. Create buttons if the Button Bar (.WWB) file size is approximately 530k. 1 Choose Button Bar Setup from the View menu, then choose Edit. 2 Select the options you want to display as buttons on the Button Bar. 3 Choose OK. See Also  Button Bar in the WordPerfect for Windows reference manual  Windows and WordPerfect in the WordPerfect for Windows reference manual