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Minasi Have you ever seen a word processor display odd keystrokes under DOS 5.0 or Windows? It happened to me while upgrading the machines in my office. My marketing person, Donna, claimed that WordPerfect for Windows wouldn't work with DOS 5.0. I didn't have time to look into it, so I uninstalled DOS 5.0 and put the matter in the "things I will do eventually" pile. But I kept hearing scattered reports of keyboard problems with DOS 5.0. Then Kris, a technical instructor, reinstalled 5.0 on Donna's machine, "causing WordPerfect and other programs to display random characters." "Random characters?" I asked. "Will it do it right now- before our very eyes?" Kris said that there seemed to be no  X way to make it stop doing it. Grabbing my deerstalker cap and calabash pipe, I cried, "Quick, Kristina! The game is afoot!" Along the way, I learned that, believe it or not, you need the keyboard's permission to address extended memory. And thereby hangs a tale.  X Ԃ Address-Line Issues A peek or two at the symptoms showed that the characters weren't random at all. Intermittently, the keyboard added a Shift key to the keystroke, almost as if there were a ghostly finger on the keyboard. Like all good troubleshooters, I started by emptying the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. The problem went away. While adding back the lines one by one, I found the problem in DOS=HIGH.  This surprised me. Of all the ninety features of the memory managers that come with DOS 5.0 and Windows 3. 1, the one that seems to have the least trouble is loading DOS into the HMA (high memory area). This is the memory space between 1024 KB and 1088 KB. (For you purists, it's not exactly from 1024 KB to 1088 KB: it's between 1024 KB and a point 16 bytes below 1088 KB.)  The HMA is an artifact of a bug in 286 and higher CPUS: These "286+"chips have several processing modes designed mainly to accommodate multitasking and handle large amounts of memory. Protected mode is the keystone of Windows, OS/2, and other advanced PC operating platforms. To maintain backward compatibility with existing 8088 programs, Intel included the 8088 compatibility mode, or real mode. DOS was written to live in real i-node, but Windows and OS/2 are changing that.  The original 8088 could address 1024 KB of memory, so you'd think that 1024 KB would be the limit for 286+ chips in real mode. But for reasons that are too convoluted to describe here, 286+ chips address just under 1088 KB of RAM in real mode. Suppose an 8088 program has its instruction counter at the very top of memory at location 1024 KB - 1. (The addresses start at 0, so the top address is 1024 KB - 1). When the processor tries to increment the instruction pointer, it rolls over to location O,just as an automobile's odometer does when it passes 99,999 miles. It does this because the 8088 processor is built to support 1024 KB or RAM, which requires 20 wires, or address lines, on(0*0*0* the address bus (2 2' equals 1024). These line numbers go from AO to A19. An 8088-based computer has no A20 address line and can't communicate with memory beyond 1024 KB. A 286+ computer, on the other hand, has more address lines: 24 for a 286, 386SX, or 386SL; and 32 for a 386DX, 486SX, or 486DX. What happens when a program sets the instruction pointer for a 286+ CPU running in real mode at 1024 KB - I and then tries to increment the pointer? Instead of rolling over, it moves up to 1024 KB and continues to move up to nearly 1088 KB. That's partly because there are address lines above A19. When your program first rises above 1024 KB -1, it energizes the A20 address line.  X Ԃ The Infamous A20 Gate The presence of the A20 line troubled the designers of the IBM AT, who sought compatibility with the IBM XT. They responded with the A20 gate, an electronic switch on the A20 line between the processor and memory. When the AT (and all subsequent PCs) powered up, the gate opened, keeping A20 signals from reaching memory. This lets a 286*+ more fully emulate an 8088: The addresses wrap around, and the top of real--mode memory becomes truly 1024 KB - 1 on a 286+ computer. Then along came Windows. The A20 gate must close before protected-mode programs like Windows can address extended memory, and the keyboard controller controls the A20 gate. This controller, which is an 8042 chip on most 286+ motherboards, is a microcomputer in itself. It has a CPU, RAM, and ROM all built into a single 40-pin DIP. This design explains why resetting the computer with the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys doesn't do the same thing as turning the power off and on again. Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del just resets the CPU.  X That doesn't do any good when the keyboard processor crashes. Microsoft addressed the problem with DOS 5.O and Windows 3.O with HIMEM.SYS and the WINA20.386 driver, respectively, Windows 3.0 came first. Then DOS 5.0 arrived, with its ability to load DOS high by twiddling the A20 line. Windows' 386 enhanced mode creates virtual DOS machines, but the standard DOS machine that WIN386.EXE creates the virtual machine manager under Windows 3.0 - doesn't know anything about the HMA or the A20 gate. The WINA20.386 driver solved that. WIN386.EXE in Windows 3.1 knows about the HMA, but the installation program doesn't remove the now-irrelevant device=WINA20.386 line from you SYSTEM.INI file; you should remove it yourself after upgrading. And if you're not loading DOS high, you don't need WINA20.386 at all.  Xj$ Ԃ The Poltergeist Problem If you use OS/2, you don't have to worry about the A20 line; the software closes the gate (connects the A20 line) and goes on. DOS is a different story. Prior to version 5.0, DOS just opened the gate and left it open. Now you can load programs into the HMA. But when you put any program- particularly DOS - into the HMA, the A20 gate swings open and(0*0*0* closed as though in a windstorm. That causes a problem on some PCs when the keyboard controller can't open and close the gate quickly enough. Bombarding the keyboard controller with A20 requests can make it behave erratically in its primary duties, leading to the Shift-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: