! Please ensure this document is distributed with the PDCFG.EXE file ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + + FUJITSU 24 PIN COLOUR SCREEN DUMP CONFIG + + + + (C) Fujitsu Europe Ltd + + + + Version 1.5 + + + + JAN 1991 + + + + Programs provided :- + + + + PDUMP Ver 1.6 + + PDCFG Ver 1.5 + + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Fujitsu screen dump program is a terminate and stay resident program which can be loaded into the PC directly via the command line or via the autoexec.bat file at boot time and will then be available to print the currently displayed PC screen on a Fujitsu colour matrix printer. The screen dump program has many options, and some experimentation is required to get get the best effect from the particular screen you wish to dump. Given the number of these options the command line can get out of hand, hence the program PDCFG.EXE , this program provides a menu type interface to enable the selection of the various options, and allows the memory resident copy of PDUMP to be dynamically updated, also the chosen settings may be saved and loaded to & from disk. Starting PDCFG: The PDCFG screen divides into 3 areas. 1) The colour mapping edit area 2) The Option editing area 3) The File handling and PDUMP update options 4) Quick Help Screen - accessed via F1 key Colour Mapping Editing: To enter this area press Function key 2, the highlighted bar may then be moved round the area using the cursor keys, to alter any particular colour use the Grey + and - key to alter the colour selection. To exit this area press the ESCAPE key. Option Editing: This area is entered when the program starts up, and using the cursor keys the highlighted bar may be moved to any of the options, once again the Grey + and - keys are used to alter the setting of each option. File Handling + Update: These commands are accessed by the Function Keys :- F5 - Set Defaults This key will cause all options to be set to the default state, ie the same state as when PDUMP is loaded with no command line options F6 - Update PDUMP Pressing F6 will cause the currently loaded version of PDUMP to use the currently displayed settings for any subsequent screen dumps. F9 - Load file This allow the entry of a filename into which the current settings will be written for subsequent reloading F10 - Save file Entering a file name at this point will cause the file to be loaded and therefore recover a previously stored set of options. ------------------------------------------ Appendix A FUJITSU DPL24C Colour Mapping n Printing colour 0 Black 1 Magenta 2 Cyan 3 Violet 4 Yellow 5 Orange 6 Green 7 Brown Default colour mapping tables as contained in the program TEXT MODE Screen colour Printer colour 0 Black Black (screen background) 1 Blue Violet 2 Green Green 3 Cyan Cyan 4 Red Orange 5 Magenta Magenta 6 Brown Brown 7 White White CGA MODE Screen colour Printer colour 0 Black Blank (screen background) 1 Cyan Cyan 2 Magenta Magenta 3 White White EGA MODE As mentioned earlier the EGA supports 16 colours, but this program maps the higher intensity colors to their low intensity partners Screen colour Printer colour 0 Black Black 1 Blue Violet 2 Green Green 3 Cyan Cyan 4 Red Orange 5 Magenta Magenta 6 Brown Brown 7 L.Grey White 8 D.Grey Black 9 L.Blue Violet 10 L.Green Green 11 L.Cyan Cyan 12 L.Red Orange 13 L.Magenta Magenta 14 Yellow Brown 15 White White Revision History Version 1.0 - First release Version 1.5 - Added 24 / 9 Pin option - Added quick screen help - Changed screen colours - Added sound feedback to commands - Prog will now run without PDUMP loaded +++++++++ SHAREWARE +++++ SHAREWARE +++++ SHAREWARE ++++++++ This program is copyright Fujitsu Europe Ltd but is placed into the public domain and may be freely copied and distributed provided it is not modified in any way & no charge is made for its distribution. DISCLAIMER In no event shall the author of this program or FUJITSU be liable for any damages, material or otherwise, arising from the use (or misuse) or this program. Suitability and functionality of this program is not guaranteed. Chris Bartley FUJITSU EUROPE LtD 2 Longwalk Rd Stockley Park Uxbridge 081-573-4444 +++++++++ SHAREWARE +++++ SHAREWARE +++++ SHAREWARE ++++++++