STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.1 and v3.11 Driver For Ethernet LAN Adapters INSTALLATION GUIDE This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1994 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This installation guide describes: o How to use EZStart to copy the driver files for Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1 and 3.11 from the SuperDisk to your PC. o How to install the driver files for Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1 and 3.11. o Using Memory Managers. COPYING THE DRIVER FILES From the EZStart Driver Installation screen, select 'Copy Files' to copy all of the files used by the Microsoft Windows for Workgroups v3.1 or v3.11 driver from the SuperDisk to the Destination Directory recommended by EZStart, or to a different directory that you specify. The EZStart default Destination Directory is a:\NDIS. Please make a backup copy of your SuperDisk before EZStart copies files to the SuperDisk to create an installation diskette. INSTALLING THE DRIVER FILES The following section describes how to install Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 along with the SMC driver file. If you already have Windows for Workgroups installed and only want to install the SMC driver, proceed to "Installing the SMC Driver Only". Installing Windows for Workgroups and the SMC Driver The following procedure describes how to install Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 along with the driver files. This procedure is designed to expedite the driver installation. For information on customizing your installation and Windows desktop, refer to your Windows for Workgroups manual. 1. Insert the Windows for Workgroups Disk 1 Setup diskette in your computer's disk drive. 2. Type: SETUP 3. Press the Enter key to start the setup procedure. Typically, this procedure takes from 10 to 15 minutes. 4. Windows for Workgroups v3.1 users: o Follow the screen prompts until you receive a prompt that says Windows has detected the SMC card and asks: "Do you want to install the driver for this adapter now". o Select "No" since this driver is not as current as the one that SMC provides. o When the Install New Network Adapter dialog box appears with a list of adapters, select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter". o Select "Continue". o Proceed to step 6. 5. Windows for Workgroups v3.11 users: o Follow the screen prompts until the Network Setup window appears. o Select "Networks" and "Install Microsoft Windows Network". o Select "No additional network" or "Other", as necessary. Refer to your Windows for Workgroups manual for information. o Select "Sharing" and specify whether you want other users to be able to share your files and printer(s). Then select "OK". o Select "Drivers". o Select "Remove" to remove the selected adapter since this driver is not as current as the one that SMC provides. o When a message asks whether you are sure you want to remove the driver, select "Yes". o Select "Add Adapter". The Add Network Adapter dialog box appears. o Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" followed by "OK". o Proceed to step 6. 6. When the Install Driver window appears, insert your SuperDisk into your computer's disk drive. 7. In the Install Driver window, type the path where the driver resides (for example, A:\). 8. Select "OK". The Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter window appears. 9. Select the appropriate SMC adapter you are using followed by "OK". 10. If you are prompted for the adapter's Base I/O setting, specify it. 11. Windows for Workgroups v3.1 users: o When the Install Driver window appears, insert the Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Disk 8 diskette in your computer's disk drive. o Verify that the drive shown in the window is where you inserted the Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Disk 8 diskette. Then select "OK". o During the following driver-installation procedure, you will be prompted to insert a Windows for Workgroups diskette or the SuperDisk. Insert the appropriate disk, verify that the path name is correct, and press Enter. o Follow the screen prompts until you are prompted to restart Windows or continue. Then proceed to step 12. 12. Windows for Workgroups v3.11 users: o When the Network Drivers window appears, you can use "Add Adapter" and/or "Add Protocol" to add more adapters (up to four) and protocols. Refer to your Windows for Workgroups manual for more information. o To change the Base I/O setting you specified in step 10 and/or select a driver type, select "Setup" and make the appropriate selections. o Select "Close" and "OK". o Follow the screen prompts to complete the driver installation. 12. At the end of the installation, you will be prompted whether you want to accept all the options you selected and restart your computer or return to DOS. Restart your computer so your options can take effect. Installing the SMC Driver Only The following procedure describes how to install the SMC driver and assumes that Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 is already installed. If you are using Windows for Workgroups 3.1 and want to install the SMC driver: 1. Double-click on the Control Panel icon in the Main window. 2. Double-click on the Network icon. 3. Select the Adapters icon in the Options area. 4. Select the adapter you want to remove followed by "Remove". 5. When a message asks whether you are sure you want to remove the adapter, select "Yes". 6. Select "Add". The Install Network Adapter dialog box appears. 7. Select the SMC adapter you want to install followed by "OK". The Install Driver dialog box appears. 8. Type the path where the driver resides (for example, A:\) and select "OK". The Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter dialog box appears. 9. Select "OK" when the next two dialog boxes appear. 10. Select "Close". The Network Settings dialog box appears. 11. Select "OK". You will be prompted whether you want to accept all the options you selected and restart your computer or return to DOS. Restart your computer so your options can take effect. If you are using Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and want to install the SMC driver: 1. Double-click on the Network Setup icon in the Network window. 2. When the Network Setup dialog box appears, refer to step 5 under "Installing Windows for Workgroups and the SMC Driver". USING MEMORY MANAGERS If you use Microsoft Windows 3.x or Windows for Workgroups, exclude the RAM Window from the "386 Enhanced" area of the SYSTEM.INI file, too. For example: [386Enh] EMMEXCLUDE=D000-D3FF If you use a memory manager other than EMM386, refer to the manual that came with it for information on how to exclude memory. This commercial computer software and documentation is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, or Alternate III of the Rights in Data -- General clause at FAR 52.227-14, as applicable. The manufacturer / subcontractor is Standard Microsystems Corporation, 80 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788. SMC and Standard Microsystems are registered trademarks; and EtherCard Elite 16 Ultra, EtherCard Elite 16T Ultra, EtherCard Elite 16C Ultra, EliteSeries, EliteView, EZStart, SuperDisk, and UltraChip are trademarks of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Other product and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.