STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION IBM LAN Server v3.0 OS/2 Requester For TokenCard EliteSeries LAN Adapters INSTALLATION GUIDE This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1993 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This installation guide describes: o How to use EZStart to copy the IBM LAN server version 3.0 OS/2 requester from the SuperDisk to your PC. o How to install the IBM LAN server version 3.0 OS/2 requester. COPYING THE DRIVER FILES From the EZStart Driver Installation screen, select 'Copy Files' to copy all the files used by this driver from the SuperDisk to the Destination Directory recommended by EZStart, or to a different directory that you specify. The EZStart default Destination Directory is C:\NDIS. Please make a backup copy of the SuperDisk before EZStart copies files to the SuperDisk to create an "option" diskette. INSTALLING THE DRIVER 1. Insert the SMC or IBM LAN Adapter Protocol Support (LAPS) Version 1.00 diskette into your computer's disk drive. 2. Type: LAPS 3. Press the Enter key. The IBM logo appears. 4. Select the "INSTALL" button. 5. Specify the target drive (usually C:\) and press Enter or select OK. 6. Select "INSTALL" button and press Enter. 7. Place the SuperDisk in drive A:. 8. Change "Install Additional Network Driver" panel to read "C:\NDIS". 9. Select "OK" for each driver. 10. Select the "Configure" button. 11. Select "Configure LAN transports" followed by "Continue". The Configure Workstation screen appears. 12. From the Network Adapters window, select the "SMC Token-Ring Adapter for OS/2" and followed by the "Add" button. This adapter name appears in the Current Configuration window. 13. From the Protocols window, select "IBM IEEE 802.2" followed by the Add button. Then select "IBM OS/2 NETBIOS" followed by "Add". (You may also need to select the "IBM NetWare Requester" option and "Add", depending on your network.) Each time you select the Add button, the selected option appears in the Current Configuration window, below the chosen driver. 14. Select "OK". 15. Select "Exit". The CONFIG.SYS Update screen appears. 16. Specify the drive where the CONFIG.SYS file resides. 17. Select the "Continue" button. 18. Select "OK". 19. Select "Exit". 20. Reboot your computer. Use the OS/2 Shutdown process to exit from the program in an orderly fashion. 21. Reboot your computer. Enter OS/2, and insert the OS/2 Requester Install diskette into your computer's disk drive (A:\). 22. From the OS/2 prompt, type: LANINST. 23. Press Enter. 24. Select "OK" at the IBM logo. 25. Select the "Advanced" option. The Install Type screen appears. 26. Select "Install or Configure this workstation". 27. Select "Install or remove a component". 28. From the displayed list, highlight all other components you want to install. Use the arrow keys to choose each component and press the space bar to highlight it. Select the "Install" button tp have the word "Installed" appear in the Status column. After you select all the components you need for this installation, select the "OK" button. 29. Select the "Configure a component" option followed by "OK". 30. Select a component to configure from the list and select the "Configure" button. 31. Specify the requester name and the domain name for that component and select "OK". 32. If you want the server to start automatically when one of its workstations is started, select "YES". 33. Select the requester services you require (either "Messenger" or "Message pop-up") followed by "OK". The Configure screen reappears. 34. Select "OK". 35. Select the "Apply the changes" option followed by "OK". 36. Follow the screen prompts to copy all files from the Requester diskettes to your computer's hard disk. 37. Select the "Configuration complete" option. This completes the installation procedure. SMC and Standard Microsystems are registered trademarks; and TokenCard, TokenCard Elite, TokenCard Elite/A, Elite Series, EliteView, EZStart, and SuperDisk are trademarks of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Other products and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.