STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION IBM LAN Server v2.0 DOS Requester For TokenCard EliteSeries LAN Adapters INSTALLATION GUIDE This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1993 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This installation guide describes: o How to use EZStart to copy the IBM LAN server version 3.0 DOS requester from the SuperDisk to your PC. o How to install the IBM LAN server version 3.0 DOS requester. COPYING THE DRIVER FILES From the EZStart Driver Installation screen, select 'Copy Files' to copy all the files used by this driver from the SuperDisk to the Destination Directory recommended by EZStart, or to a different directory that you specify. The EZStart default Destination Directory is C:\NDIS. Please make a backup copy of your SuperDisk before EZStart copies files to the SuperDisk to create and "option" diskette. INSTALLING THE DRIVER 1. At the DOS prompt, insert the SMC or IBM LAN Support Program (LSP) Version 1.30 diskette into your PC's disk drive. 2. Type: DXMAID 3. Press the Enter key three times. The Environment Information screen appears. 4. Specify the following values for the fields on this screen (if necessary, use the spacebar to change the options to the settings shown below): Configuration for this computer? Yes Use existing configuration information? No Do you have adapter option diskettes? Yes Are you configuring for two adapters? No Source for LSP A:\ Target for new configuration C:\lsp 5. Press Enter to store your choices. The program prompts you to install the "option" diskette. 6. Install the SuperDisk in your source drive and specify the path: C:\NDIS. Then press Enter. The necessary files are copied from the SuperDisk to your target directory on the hard disk. 7. Press Enter two times. 8. Insert the LSP diskette and press Enter. The Current Configuration screen appears with the option for the SMC EtherCard PLUS adapter and protocols already selected ("IBM IEEE 802.2" and "IBM OS/2 NETBIOS"). 9. Press F4. LSP is installed. 10. Use a text editor to specify at least 20 files in the FILES= line of your CONFIG.SYS file; for example: files=20 11. Save the CONFIG.SYS file, then reboot your computer. 12. Insert the DOS LAN Requester Install Diskette. 13. Type: INSTALL 14. Press Enter three times. The program prompts you for the pathname of the DOS LAN Requester directory. 15. Specify the pathname for the DOS LAN Requester directory (C:\DOSLAN is the default). Press Enter. The program asks which services you require. 16. Highlight either the "Send messages" or "Send, View, Edit, and Log messages" option. (Normally, you select the second option.) 17. Press Enter to confirm your choice. 18. Specify the workstation's ID and the domain ID. The domain ID must be the domain server ID and must be the same for all workstations on the network. 19. Follow the screen prompts to complete the installation. SMC and Standard Microsystems are registered trademarks; and TokenCard, TokenCard Elite, TokenCard Elite/A, Elite Series, EliteView, EZStart, and SuperDisk are trademarks of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Other products and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.