STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION SCO LLI 3.1 UNIX driver For SMC Ethernet LAN Adapters(80xx/8216) INSTALLATION GUIDE This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1993 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This installation guide explains how to: o Install the SMC Ethernet LAN UNIX Driver files from the distribution disk by using the SCO "CUSTOM" program. This driver supports all SMC Ethernet (80xx/8216) ISA and Micro Channel LAN adapters. 1. INSTALLING SMC Ethernet LLI Driver Disk --------------------------------------------- You must be login as root to perform this task. Shutdown the system and go to System Maintenance mode. a) At the shell prompt, type: custom b) When you see the Custom menu, the Install option is highlighted. Press to begin the installation. c) CUSTOM highlights A New Product. Press d) CUSTOM offers you a choice of installing the Entire Product, Packages, or Files. CUSTOM highlights Entire Product. e) Press to select the Entire Product option f) CUSTOM directs you to insert Distribution Floppy Vol1. g) Insert "Standard MicroSystems Ethernet LLI Driver Disk" Vol1 in the drive, then press h) After the prep script, CUSTOM again prompts you to insert the Standard MicroSystems Ethernet LLI Driver Disk Vol1 and highlights the Continue option. i) Verify that Volume 1 is in the drive, then press. j) When the driver is all installed, the following message appears at the bottom of your screen. ----------------------- After installing the SMC Ethernet LAN Adapter Disk, please use netconfig to add drivers to your system. Press to continue. ----------------------- k) Press any key to continue with the installation. The following message appears briefly on the screen: ----------------------- Checking file permissions... ----------------------- You return to the main CUSTOM menu. The software list on your screen now includes the: "SMC Ethernet LAN Adapter LLI Driver Disk" l) Use -> to highlight the Quit option, and press. m) For SMC/WD 80xx type; use the EZSETUP(or SMCSETUP) to configure the adapters. For SMC8216 use EZSTART from the SuperDisk(DOS) to configure these cards. The configuration values(IO,Ram-Base,Range and IRQ) must match what you will select in step (n). n) Use the netconfig to configure SMC Ethernet Driver to work with SCO UNIX and networking stack. 2. INSTALLING SMC Ethernet LLI Driver Disk "DOS FORMAT" ---------------------------------------------------------- You must be login as root to perform this task. Shutdown the system and go to System Maintenance mode. a) Create a temporary directory to work from and make that your working directory for this procedure. b) Use this command to copy your current working directory. # doscp a:\disk.eth . c) You may list the files to verify the copy. d) Use the following command to create the LLI Driver Disk. You may use a new disk as this procedure will distroy the information on the disk. # dd if=disk.eth of=/dev/rfd0135 ds18 bs=18k e) Then use "tar" to verify the transfer. # tar tvf /dev/rfd0135ds18 f) Once the LLI Driver Disk has been created, continue with the prodecure "a through n" in section 1 above. Please refer to the appendixes in the Release and Installation SCO LLI Driver Disk 3.1.0 for the appropriate configuration scenario for your networking stack.