STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION Novell LAN WorkPlace v3.0 for OS/2 Driver For Ethernet LAN Adapters INSTALLATION GUIDE This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1994 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. This installation guide describes: o How to use EZStart to copy the Novell LAN WorkPlace version 3.0 for OS/2 driver from the SuperDisk to your PC. o How to load the LAN driver and establish network connection. o Error messages. Note: This driver supports all 8216 (Ultra), 80xx (Elite), 80xx (PLUS) Series, and 8416 (EtherEZ) ISA, EISA, and Micro Channel Ethernet adapters. COPYING THE DRIVER FILE From the EZStart Driver Installation screen, select 'Copy Files' to copy all files used by this driver from the SuperDisk to the Destination Directory recommended by EZStart, or to a different directory that you specify. LOADING THE DRIVER Use the following instructions with those in the NetWare Requester for OS/2 manual. Note that when you are prompted for a Destination Directory, select \NETWARE. 1. Load the NetWare INSTALL program according to the instructions in the NetWare manual. 2. Select "Requester on workstation" from the menu. 3. Specify the source and target directories. 4. Select "Edit CONFIG.SYS and Copy Files". 5. Select "SMC8000.SYS" from the list. If the SMC driver is not in the list, type: SMC8000.SYS 6. When prompted as to whether this is a third-party NIC driver, select "Yes". 7. Select or deselect any remaining options, then select "Save". In the "Save File As:" field, type: CONFIG.SYS 8. In the Copy Requester Files window, select "Copy". 9. Proceed with the instructions in the NetWare Workstation for OS/2 manual until you complete the Requester installation. 10. Make sure the NetWare Requester software is loaded and running. 11. Obtain IP-related information about your network, such as IP-address, router address, subnet mask, and Ethernet frame type. This information may be obtained from your System Administrator. You will need to provide this information for the upcoming installation. 12. Insert disk 1 of the LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 version 3.0 in a disk drive. 13. From a full-screen OS/2 window, type :INSTALL and press the Enter key. OR If you have a monochrome monitor, type :INSTALL -M and press the Enter key. In the above lines, is the floppy drive where you inserted disk 1 of the LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 version 3.0. 14. Select the hard drive you want to install to. This should be the same drive where you installed the requester. 15. When prompted to update your CONFIG.SYS, NET.CFG, and RESOLV.CFG system files, select "Yes". 16. When prompted for a frame type, select the "Standard Ethernet TCP/IP framing". 17. Use the information you obtained from your System Administrator in step 11 as you continue with the installation. 18. This completes the installation. Reboot your computer. If you experience problems attaching to your network server or TCP/IP host, verify the frame types in your NET.CFG file. Most NetWare servers require an Ethernet 802.3 frame type. This usually appears in the NET.CFG file as: Link Driver SMC8000 Frame Ethernet_802.3 The majority of TCP/IP hosts require an Ethernet II frame type. This usually appears in the NET.CFG file as: Link Driver SMC8000 Frame Ethernet_II After the LAN WorkPlace for OS/2 installation, you should have multiple frame types loaded. The following sample NET.CFG file shows an example of how these multiple frame types can be specified: Link Driver SMC8000 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_II or Link Driver SMC8000 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_802.2 ERROR MESSAGES "Adapter hardware failure detected (initialization)" The adapter did not pass the initialization process. Check the adapter for configuration conflicts. "Adapter hardware failure detected (self-test)" The adapter did not pass the initialization self-test process due to a hardware problem. Check the adapter for configuration conflicts. "Adapter IRQ higher than 7 not valid in 8-bit slot" The I/O base address specified cannot be used if the adapter is inserted into an 8-bit slot. Select a different IRQ number. "No Ethernet Adapters Found" The driver could not detect an adapter installed in the system. Check the adapter is inserted properly into the slot connector. "Invalid Ethernet node address specified" The node address specified in the NET.CFG file was illegal. Broadcast and multicast addresses are not allowed as valid node addresses. Use the node address override with caution, as this can cause problems on your network. "One or more NET.CFG parameters are missing or invalid" A driver parameter required to load the driver is missing from the NET.CFG file. Add the parameter(s) and reload the driver. "I/O address in NET.CFG is on illegal boundary" The specified PORT address in the NET.CFG file is not correct. Verify the adapter I/O address from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "I/O address in NET.CFG is out of range" The I/O base address specified in the NET.CFG file for the AT-bus adapter is out of range of supported values. Verify the adapter I/O address from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "IRQ in NET.CFG does not match adapter configuration" The IRQ number specified in the NET.CFG file for the AT-bus adapter does not match the detected configuration. Verify the adapter IRQ setting from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "IRQ specified in NET.CFG is out of range" The IRQ number specified in the NET.CFG file for the AT-bus adapter is out of range of supported values. Verify the adapter IRQ setting from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "RAM address in NET.CFG is on illegal boundary" The specified MEM address in the NET.CFG file is not correct. Verify the adapter RAM memory address from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "RAM address in NET.CFG is out of range" The RAM address specified in the NET.CFG file for the AT-bus adapter is out of range of supported values. Verify the adapter RAM memory address from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "RAM size specified in NET.CFG is out of range" The RAM size specified in the NET.CFG file for the AT-bus adapter is out of range of supported values. Verify the adapter RAM memory address from the soft-configuration or jumper setting, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "RAM size in NET.CFG does not match adapter config" The MEM length parameter in the NET.CFG file was invalid. Check the adapter configuration, and make the necessary changes to the NET.CFG file. "Cannot access adapter RAM properly" The adapter could read or write the adapter RAM. Verify that another adapter does not share the same memory space as the LAN adapter. This commercial computer software and documentation is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software -- Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, or Alternate III of the Rights in Data -- General clause at FAR 52.227-14, as applicable. The manufacturer / subcontractor is Standard Microsystems Corporation, 80 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788. SMC and Standard Microsystems are registered trademarks; and EtherEZ, EtherCard Elite 16 Ultra, EtherCard Elite 16T Ultra, EtherCard Elite 16C Ultra, EliteSeries, EZStart, and SuperDisk are trademarks of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Other product and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.