This section explains how to create workstation software for an Ethernet Pocket Adapter running NetWare(tm) v2.2 and v3.11. For a system to run as a workstation, two files are required: IPX.COM and a SHELL file. IPX.COM contains IPX/SPX protocol, linked with a LAN driver. It manages file communication among the network stations. The shell file redirects messages from DOS to the NETWORK. A working copy of WS-GEN is required to create an IPX.COM file for use with your Ethernet Pocket Adapter. NOTE: The WS-GEN disk is included with your NOVELL(tm) software package. 1. Installing WS-GEN on your hard disk or network drive. a. Create a directory named "NETWARE" on your hard disk or network drive. b. Create a subdirectory of NETWARE named "WSGEN". c. Copy WSGEN.EXE from WS-GEN disk to the NETWARE directory. d. Copy all the files from the WS-GEN disk to WSGEN directory. 2. Change to the NETWARE directory and type WSGEN.EXE and press Enter. 3. Select the LAN driver PEAIPX.OBJ file in the main directory of this diskette. NOTE: WS-GEN will create an IPX.COM from the PEAIPX.OBJ file for using the the Ethernet Pocket Adapter. 4. Exit the WS-GEN program. Creating a master workstation diskette. 1. Format a disk using the FORMAT/S command and label it " Master Workstation Disk". 2. Copy the IPX.COM file you created using WS-GEN from the WSGEN directory to the Master Workstation Disk. 3. Copy the appropriate shell file to your master workstation disk. * NETx.COM loads into conventional memory. * EMSNETx.EXE loads into expanded memory. * XMSNETx.EXE loads into extended memory. NOTE: x=3 if using DOS 3.3... x=5 if using DOS 5.0 4. Copy any other optional files needed for customizing the boot procedure and operating system. 5. Create an AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS file on the master workstation disk if you wish to automate the process of connecting to the network. 6. LOGIN to the network using the master workstation disk to ensure that the files you have created work properly with the network. NOTE: For more detailed information, please refer to the NetWare(tm) installation guide. NOTE: When you use the previous version of NetWare to create the IPX.COM, you had to copy the file name PEAIPX.OLD to the root directory of this diskette and overwrite the file name PEAIPX.LAN. A:\IPX> copy PEAIPX.OLD a:\PEAIPX.LAN