WESTERN DIGITAL TOKENCARD-FAMILY LAN ADAPTER BOARD DRIVERS FOR USE WITH MICROSOFT OS/2 LAN MANAGER INSTALLATION GUIDE 3 November 1989 These drivers are designed to be used with 3Com 3+Open, the Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager OEM distribution release 1.0 or later, and other compatible OEM versions of LAN Manager. The drivers named TOKWD conform to the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) defined by Microsoft/3Com. This directory provides drivers for the TOKENCARD family of Western Digital LAN adapter boards: DRIVER WESTERN DIGITAL ADAPTER BOARD TYPES TOKWD.XXX TokenCard (8005TR) TokenCard WS (8005TR WS) TokenCard MASTER (8015TR) Included in this directory are the following files: INSTALL.DOC This File. RELEASE.DOC Version history and release info TOKWD.OS2 The OS/2 NDIS MAC driver TOKWD.DOS The DOS NDIS MAC driver PROTOCOL.INI A sample PROTOCOL.INI file BEGINNING INSTALLATION 1) Install the adapter card. Proper installation can be verified by running the diagnostic program under DOS. Note that the diagnostic will not run properly from the OS/2 compatibility box. 2) Decide what protocol stack will be used. The supplied drivers support the DLC/NETBEUI protocol stack supplied by Microsoft, 3Com and most other LAN Manager vendors. They also support the XNS stack supplied by 3Com. Support for other protocol stacks is in development. Contact your dealer or distributor's technical support department for the latest information. 3) Install but do not start LAN Manager using the vendor's instructions, selecting one of the adapter/drivers supplied with the vendor's package. The adapter selected does not matter because the references to it will be replaced once the installation is complete. The examples below assume the 3Com EtherLink II has been selected with 3+Open. INSTALLING ON OS/2 1) Copy the OS/2 driver from this diskette to the driver directory used by LAN Manager. For example, when installing a 3+Open server using the normal directory structure type: COPY A:\LANMAN\TOKWD.OS2 C:\3OPEN\SERVER\LANMAN\DRIVERS When installing a 3+Open OS/2 workstation type: COPY A:\LANMAN\TOKWD.OS2 C:\3OPEN\OS2WKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS 2) Modify the config.sys or config.os2 file to reference this adapter rather than the adapter selected during LAN Manager installation. For example, if the 3Com EtherLink II was selected during a server installation, use a text editor to change the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\SERVER\LANMAN\DRIVERS\ELNNKII.OS2 to the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\SERVER\LANMAN\DRIVERS\TOKWD.OS2 If the 3Com EtherLink II was selected during a workstation installation, use a text editor to change the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\OS2WKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS\ELNNKII.OS2 to the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\OS2WKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS\TOKWD.OS2 Note that other varieties of LAN Manager will keep their drivers in different directories. The point is to get the CONFIG.SYS to reference the Western Digital driver in place of the adapter driver selected during installation. Note also that the LAN Manager installation will add several drivers to the CONFIG.SYS file. Only the MAC driver referring to a particular board should be replaced. The other drivers such as PROTMAN.OS2 should be left unmodified. 3) Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file to include an entry for this driver. The PROTOCOL.INI file contains sections defining parameters for all the protocol drivers used by LAN Manager. To add a section for this driver, use a text editor to add the following lines to the file: [TOKWD] drivername = TOKWD$ iobase = 0xA20 irq = 3 dma = 5 (Please note this entry is for TokenCard MASTER only) The line containing "[TOKWD]" defines the name for the driver and will be used in the bindings command described below. The drivername "TOKWD$" is used by the protocol manager. The other lines: iobase = irq = dma = define parameters for the driver and should be modified appropriately depending on how the adapter and PC are configured. The values shown correspond to the current factory defaults for the adapters supported. A more complete explanation for each of these parameters and its appropriate values is given at the end of this document. 4) Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file to change the bindings of the protocol stack to reference this driver in place of the driver selected during installation. Use a text editor to modify the "bindings =" line to reference the "TOKWD" name defined in the section added in step 3 rather than the name set during installation. For example: under 3+Open with the XNS protocol stack and 3Com EtherLink II selected during installation, in the PROTOCOL.INI file section labeled "[XNS_NETBIOS]", the line: BINDINGS = ETHERLINKII must be changed to: BINDINGS = TOKWD If the DLC/NETBEUI protocol stack was selected to be used with 3+Open, the same lines must be changed in the PROTOCOL.INI file section labeled "[DLC]". 5) The installation is complete. Reboot and bring up LAN Manager using the instructions supplied by the LAN Manager vendor. INSTALLING ON DOS WITH THE DLC/NETBEUI PROTOCOL STACK The procedure for installing on DOS with the DLC/NETBEUI protocol stack is very similar to the procedure used on OS/2. Only the directory names and file extensions will be changed. 1) Copy the DOS macwd.dos driver from this diskette to the driver directory used by LAN Manager. For example, when installing a 3+Open DOS workstation using the normal directory structure type: COPY A:\LANMAN\TOKWD.DOS C:\3OPEN\DOSWKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS 2) Modify the config.sys or CONFIG.DOS file to reference this adapter rather than the adapter selected during LAN Manager installation. For example, if the 3Com EtherLink II was selected during a workstation installation, use a text editor to change the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\DOSWKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS\ELNNKII.DOS to the line: DEVICE=\3OPEN\DOSWKSTA\LANMAN\DRIVERS\TOKWD.DOS Note that other varieties of LAN Manager will keep their drivers in different directories. The point is to get the CONFIG.SYS to reference this driver in place of the adapter driver selected during installation. Note also that the LAN Manager installation will add several drivers to the CONFIG.SYS file. Only the MAC driver referring to a particular board should be replaced. The other drivers such as PROTMAN.DOS should be left unmodified. 3) Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file to include an entry for this driver. The PROTOCOL.INI file contains sections defining parameters for all the protocol drivers used by LAN Manager. To add a section for this driver, use a text editor to add the following lines to the file: [TOKWD] drivername = TOKWD$ iobase = 0xA20 irq = 3 dma = 5 (Please note this entry is for TokenCard MASTER only) The line containing "[TOKWD]" defines the name for the driver and will be used in the bindings command described below. The drivername "TOKWD$" is used by the protocol manager. The other lines: iobase = irq = dma = define parameters for the driver and should be modified appropriately depending on how the adapter and PC are configured. The values shown correspond to the current factory defaults for the supported adapters. A more complete explanation for each of these parameters and its appropriate values is given at the end of this document. 4) Modify the PROTOCOL.INI file to change the bindings of the protocol stack to reference this driver in place of the driver selected during installation. Use a text editor to modify the "bindings =" line to reference the "TOKWD" name defined in the section added in step 3 rather than the name set during installation. For example: under 3+Open with the DLC/NETBEUI protocol stack and 3Com EtherLink II selected during installation, in the PROTOCOL.INI file section labeled "[DLC]", the line: BINDINGS = ETHERLINKII must be changed to: BINDINGS = TOKWD 5) The installation is complete. Reboot and bring up LAN Manager using the instructions supplied by the LAN Manager vendor. PROTOCOL.INI PARAMETERS Several parameters are typically specified in the TOKWD section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. The only parameter that must be specified is the "drivername". All the others have default values supplied by the driver and can be left out of the PROTOCOL.INI file if the installed adapter matches the default configuration. iobase Specifies the base I/O address used by the adapter. The default is 0x0A20. This address is selected with a jumper on the adapter. Consult the installation guide for information on how to determine or modify the address. This parameter will always be a hex number in the range of 0x0A20 - 0x3A20. Note that hex numbers must be preceded by "0x" to distinguish from decimal numbers. Not all values are supported by all adapters. irq Specifies the interrupt used by the adapter. The default is 3. The interrupt is selected with a jumper on the adapter. Consult the installation guide for information on how to determine or modify the interrupt. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 2 - 15. Not all values are supported by all adapters. dma Specifies the DMA channel used by the adapter. This entry is for TokenCard MASTER (8015TR) adapter only, The default is 5. This DMA channel is selected with 2 jumpers on the adapter. Consult the installation guide for information on how to determine or modify the DMA channel. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 5 - 7. maxrequests Specifies the number of request queue entries. The default is 8. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 6 - 64. maxtransmits Specifies the number of transmit queue entries. The default is 12. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 6 - 64. receivebuffers Specifies the number of receive buffer queue entries. The default value is 12. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 6 - 96. receivebufsize Specifies the size in bytes of a receive buffer The default value is 256. This parameter will always be a decimal in the range of 256 - 1536 receivechains Specifies the number of receive chain header queue entries. The default is 12. This parameter will always be a decimal number in the range of 6 - 96. Trademarks: Microsoft OS/2 LAN Manager is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 3Com, 3+, 3+Open and EtherLink II are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. EtherCard PLUS, EtherCard PLUS16 StarCard PLUS, StarLink PLUS, SuperDisk, TokenCard and TokenDisk are trademarks of Western Digital Corporation.