NDC ND5300 Plug and Play Ethernet Adapter ODI Driver for Novell Netware Server (3.11, 3.12, 4.X) Installation ===================================================================== INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1). Login as SUPERVISOR to your server. 2). Copy all supplied NLM files you find in \NOVELL_S\311, \NOVELL\312 or \NOVELL_S\40 directory (according to your server version) in "NDC Setup diskette" to your server SYSTEM directory. Pay attension that ALL these NLM files are COPYWRITE by Novell. Please do not distribute these files without permission from Novell. e.g. C:\>copy a:\NOVELL_S\311\*.* C:\SERVER\SYSTEM 3). Then you have to add one of the loading sequences described in the AUTOEXEC.NCF template you find in 311, 3.12 or 4.x directory in "NDC Setup diskette" to your server AUTOEXEC.NCF. 4). Cross down the server and then restart it again. This time ND5300 will be your network card. ND5300 Plug and Play Ethernet Adapter ODI Driver for Novell NetWare DOS Client Installation ===================================================== The Card comes with a NDCGO program which provide a fast way to install your PC as a NetWare workstation. It is recommended you run the NDCGO program for the NetWare DOS client installation. Otherwise, follow the procedure below to complete the installation. PRE-INSTALLATION You should setup and diagnose the Instant-Link adapter(s) by applying NDCONF3 before you install and/or run the NOS or network applications. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1) Insert the "NDC Setup diskette" into a floppy drive (A: or B:). 2) Make a directory (usually \NETWARE) on your hard disk (usually C: drive) to hold the Novell NetWare utilities. MD C:\NETWARE 3) Copy these files from the "\NOVELL_W" directory of the "NDC Setup Diskette" to the "\NETWARE" directory of your hard disk: LSL.COM ND5300.COM IPXODI.COM NETX.EXE NET.CFG To copy these files, type: COPY A:\NOVELL_W\LSL.COM C:\NETWARE COPY A:\NOVELL_W\ND5300.COM C:\NETWARE COPY A:\NOVELL_W\IPXODI.COM C:\NETWARE COPY A:\NOVELL_W\NETX.COM C:\NETWARE COPY A:\NOVELL_W\NET.CFG C:\NETWARE (You may use your versions of these programs from Novell instead) 4) Check with your network administrator to make sure that the protocol stack (IPX protocol bound with Ethernet Frame type) defined in the NET.CFG file matches your network. The default protocol stack is: PROTOCOL ETHERNET_802.3 If you are running NetWare 3.12 or 4.0X, you may have to change the frame type to: PROTOCOL ETHERNET_802.2 5) Make sure the MAM (Media Access Module) is physically connected to the network. From the "\NETWARE" directory of your hard disk, you may load the network drivers by typing: LSL ND5300 IPXODI NETX If you are running NetWare 3.12 or 4.0X, you should change the last line from "NETX" to "VLM". (Note: You may have to install the VLM files by applying the "NetWare Client for DOS" diskettes.) NDC ND5300 Plug and Play Ethernet Adapter ODI Driver for Novell Netware OS/2 Client (3.11, 3.12, 4.X) Installation ===================================================================== Location of Driver: \NOVELL_W.OS2\ND5300.SYS Sample Configuration Files: --------------------------- CONFIG.SYS : DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LSL.SYS ; OS/2 Requester supported DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\DDAEMON.SYS ; OS/2 Requester supported DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\ND5300.SYS ; NDC supported DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\IPX.SYS ; OS/2 Requester supported NET.CFG : LINK DRIVER ND5300 FRAME ETHERNET_802.3 FRAME ETHERNET_802.2 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE 1) Copy the ND5300.SYS file into the NETWARE subdirectory of your hard disk from the "ND5300 Driver Diskette" A:\NOVELL_W.OS2. 2) Add or replace the ND5300.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file. 3) Edit the NET.CFG file that you copied over. Edit the file per your requirements (see examples above). If there are two frame types listed, whichever frame type is listed first, that is the one that the driver will load. See above for examples. 4) Reboot your system to get service of network. NOTE: ----- You can bind several frame types to the IPX protocol to support various configurations. Include this in the Link Driver ND5300 section of the NET.CFG file. A sample is shown below: Link Driver ND5300 frame Ethernet_802.3 frame Ethernet_802.2 frame Ethernet_II frame Ethernet_snap