Sun PCNFS Installation ----------------------- NE2000 Compatible EtherPair/EtherCoax Family LAN Adapter Drivers For Use in Sun PCNFS Environment 1. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS a. Add Device=c:\dos\ansi.sys command at CONFIG.SYS, Reboot PC. b. Insert the PCNFS Installation diskette into the diskette drive (A: or B:) and type: install. Press Enter. c. Enter the destination "Drive letter:" (usually C:). Press Enter. d. Select "Ethernet" and press Enter. e. Select the "NDIS" option of "Ethernet Adapter" menu f. Follow all the prompts that appear. g. Specify the PC name, IP address, server name, and server server IP address (Contact System Administrator). h. Follow all the prompts to finish the installation. i. The system create \LANMAN and \NFS directory on the destination drive. j. After you are finished, copy the ETHNE.DOS file from the subdirectory \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHNE\ACCNE on your driver program diskette to the \LANMAN (C: or D:) directory on your destination driver. k. Using a text editor, edit the CONFIG.SYS. Add this line above the NFS_NDIS driver specification: DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\ETHNE.DOS l. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file at \LANMAN directory. 1. Replace [your-mac-module] with [ETHNE] 2. Replace drivername = YOURMAC$ with drivername = ETHNE$ Specify the correct IRQ and IOBASE value (May be omitted) for this adapter depending on whether the adapter's set IRQ = 3 IOBASE = 0x300 ... 3. Replace bindings = YOUR-MAC-MODULE with bindings = ETHNE$ m. Reboot the computer. n. Exec NFSCONF.EXE to configuration system (i.e Mount a virtual driver E:) Exec TELNET.EXE to do terminal emulation. Sample configuration files: 2. CONFIG.SYS shell=c:\ /P /E:526 dos=high, UMB rem ----pcnfs install Device=c:\dos\ansi.sys DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS /m DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS /i:C:\LANMAN --> specify PROTOCOL.INI directory. device=C:\LANMAN\ETHNE.DOS -----------> NDIS driver name DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS FILES=50 BUFFERS=50 LASTDRIVE=v STACKS=9,256 3. PROTOCOL.INI at \LANMAN directory [protocol manager] drivername = PROTMAN$ [ETHNE] drivername = ethne$ irq = 3 iobase = 0x300 [NFS-NDIS] drivername = NFSLINK1 bindings = ETHNE 4. AUTOEXEC.BAT ... SET TZ=PST8 SET path=C:\;C:\NFS;C:\LANMAN SET NFSDRIVE=D C:lanman\netbind ----> Add this line to Binding NDIS driver PRT * NFSRUN