Banyan Vine installation with NE2000 Compatible NDIS driver ------------------------------------------------------ for NE2000 Compatible EtherPair/EtherCoax Family LAN Adapter Driver For Banyan Vine NDIS Workstation Environments 1. Installation Introduction for Banyan Vine --------------------------------------------- a. Type Pcconfig. Press Enter. "Configuring A PC for the Network" appear. b. Select "1 - Network Card Setting", press Enter. "The possible hardware configuration option are" appear. c. Chose "NDIS Ethernet".Press Enter. d. Key in specified interrupt number, and UL000x to the PROTOCOL bindings = . e. Press 'F10' when done. Press ESC to exit this screen. f. Select "2 - Login Enviroment Settings. ". Press ENTER. g. Select "1 - Select Default Communications Driver. " ,press Enter. h. Chose "NDIS Ethernet" ,press ESC to exit this menu. i. Press 'F10' when all done. "Please wait ...." appear. k. Modify the Config.sys and Protocol.ini files, see the example. Sample configuration files: 2. Config.sys device=c:\banyan\protman.dos/i:c:\banyan device=c:\banyan\ethne.dos 3. Protocol.ini file for LAN Manager. [protocol manager] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [UL000x] DriverName = ethne$