3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC Family Microsoft Windows 95 with Microsoft's Client for NetWare Networks To install the Windows 95 driver to support Microsoft's client for NetWare networks, follow these steps. NOTE: It is assumed that Windows 95 has already been installed. 1. After installing the NIC as described in the users guide, start your computer. When Windows 95 starts, it acknowledges the NIC, and the following message appears on the screen: Windows has found new hardware and is installing software for it. If the message above does not appear, it is likely that Plug 'n Play mode has been disabled. In this case, press the Add New Hardware icon on the control panel screen. 2. Select Driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer and click OK. 3. Insert the EtherDisk diskette in the A: drive and click OK. 4: Windows now requires files from the Windows 95 installation media. Enter where the Windows '95 installation media is. For example, if the Windows '95 CD rom is in drive E, enter E:\WIN95 5. Once Windows 95 has completed installing the required files, double- click My Computer, then Control Panel, and then Network. 6. Once in Network, remove the following network components, if present Microsoft Client for Microsoft Network NetBEUI. The network components should now include: Client for NetWare Networks 3Com EtherLink III Adapter IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol If any of the above components are missing, add them by clicking the Add button, and adding the client or protocol component. The components are found in the Microsoft vendor selection on the screen that follows the component selection. 7. Click Client for NetWare Networks and then the Properties button. 8. Under the General tab, set your Preferred Server and the First Network Drive. When done, click OK. 9. Set the Primary Network Logon to Client for NetWare Networks and click OK. 10. When prompted, restart your computer. (%VER W95NETWR.TXT - Windows 95 with Microsoft's Client for NetWare v5.0a)