3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC Family Release Notes and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) This file contains the release notes and answers to some frequently asked questions about the 3C509B to help you get the most out of your EtherLink III Network Interface Card (NIC). This information is updated regularly on 3com's world wide web site (www.3com.com). Release Notes ------------- EtherDisk 5.1 has been substantially revised to make the disk contents more accessible and easier to use. All of the information and help files are contained in the subdirectory HELP. Help information for the NIC drivers has been expanded to include all the drivers on the EtherDisk and more extensive help installing drivers on Windows for Workgroups and Windows '95. The driver directory structure has been collapsed to one or two levels to make the drivers easier to find. Full duplex support for the 3C509B has been added to the NetWare server and Windows NT/95 drivers. Control of the full duplex feature is provided in the configuration and diagnostic program. Full duplex operation improves overall network throughput on twisted pair (TP) networks. A boot ROM for the EtherLink III ISA product family is available from your network supplier. The 3C5-TriROM supports NetWare boot, RPL, and BootP network boot protocols. Important --------- The Windows '95 and Windows NT full port drivers have been combined into a single miniport driver. It is important to use this driver if you use 3Com's DRMON network management software. This driver will give better performance when the DRMON client agent is used. When converting from past drivers to this driver, or installing this driver for the first time, several things must be considered. Windows NT Older drivers may be updated directly to the miniport driver. However, if this driver will be used in a multiprocessor Windows NT 4.0 system, then you must update to service pack 3 or newer. Failure to update to service pack 3 may cause your system to crash. Windows '95 Older, full port drivers (ELNK3.VXD) cannot be updated directly to the miniport driver (ELNK3.SYS) due to the driver name change. The old driver must be removed, then the new driver installed. If you are installing an EtherLink III in a computer using the original Windows '95 (build 950), install Windows '95 before installing the EtherLink III NIC. After installing Windows '95, delete the files NET3COM.INF and W95EL5X9.INF (if present) in the \WINDOWS\NIF subdirectory (WINDOWS is the base Windows '95 installation directory, the NIF subdirectory is hidden). Install the EtherLink III NIC and boot Windows '95. When Windows '95 detects the NIC, press the "have disk" button on the popup menu and continue the installation. Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- Q: I installed an EtherLink III 3C509B ISA NIC in my computer, but neither the diagnostic and configuration program nor the driver can find the NIC. What's wrong? A: Your computer's BIOS is issuing a series of I/O instructions that causes the 3C509B to think it's going to be activated as a Plug 'N Play (PnP) device. Unfortunately, the NIC waits for the PnP series to complete and ignores the "classic" or "legacy" method for discovering an EtherLink III ISA NIC. The fix for this problem is very simple. Follow the steps below: 1 - Boot a minimal DOS setup, making sure that no EtherLink III drivers are loaded. 2 - Put this EtherDisk in the diskette drive and type A: at the DOS prompt. 3 - Enter PNPDSABL at the DOS prompt. The configuration and diagnostic program will execute twice. The first time it executes, the configuration and diagnostic program "kicks" the EtherLink III out of its PnP wait. During the second execution, it disables Plug 'n Play. The final message displayed will be: "The 3C5X9 adapter, adapter number 1, was successfully configured" 4 - Finally, remove the EtherDisk from the diskette drive, and turn the computer power off, then on. Q: My system does not recognize the 3COM 3C509B NIC. What do I do? A: If your computer has a PnP BIOS, and it doesn't find the 3C509B NIC, either the NIC has the PnP feature disabled or the BIOS is unable to find the NIC due to the problem described in the previous FAQ. Boot the computer to a minimum DOS configuration. Put this EtherDisk in the diskette driver and type A: at the DOS prompt. Enter 3C5X9CFG at the next DOS prompt. If the diagnostic program emits an error saying that no EtherLink III adapters were found, follow the instructions in the answer to the previous FAQ. If the diagnostic finds the NIC, enter the configuration menu and examine the state of the Plug 'n Play function. If PnP is set to disabled, change it to enabled, and save the configuration by clicking the OK button. Q: Can a 3C509B NIC be installed in an 8 bit slot? A: Yes. The 3C509B NIC can be installed in any 8-bit slot. However, the 3c509B will only work in a computer with a 286 or higher processor. Q: What do I need to do to exclude within EMM386 for the 3C5X9 NIC? A: EMM386 does not need an exclusion for the 3C5x9 NIC because the card does not use shared memory. Q: I installed the 3C509 in an ISA slot but I get an error that states the NIC is configured for EISA mode. How do I fix this problem? A: Insert the 3C509 NIC in an EISA slot and use the 3Com configuration utility to reconfigure the NIC's I/O address mode from EISA to non-EISA. Save the setting for the NIC and exit. This will return the NIC to the default mode, which is ISA. Q: Where do I get the latest drivers? A: The latest 3Com drivers can be found on any of these three online locations: 3Com's CompuServe forum (go NetForum) 3Com bulletin board service (BBS) 3Coms World Wide Web site (http://www.3Com.com). Q: My system has PCI slots and ISA slots. When I install the NIC, I get an error stating there is an interrupt conflict or, the system crashes when the NIC driver loads or the diagnostic executes the interrupt test. How do I fix this problem? A: Make sure that the PCI configuration, usually found in the BIOS setup of the computer, is not allocating the interrupt request level (IRQ) for use by the PCI bus. You must either not allow the IRQ to be used for a PCI slot or move the IRQ for the 3C5x9 ISA NIC to a level that won't conflict. Q: I am getting a conflict message when loading a packet driver. How do I fix this problem? A: When loading the packet driver, the software interrupt may need to be changed to avoid conflict. Packet drivers information is found in the \HELP\PACKET.TXT file in the EtherDisk. Q: I am using VLMs for NetWare and Windows/ WFW. How do I configure my Windows environment to support VLMs? A: If your NetWare shell version within Windows doesn't support VLMs, you will need to download the NetWare Client Kit for Windows/ DOS from Novell's Netwire. This utility will update your Window's support for NetWare by installing the latest windows files. Q: I am using MS drivers and having trouble connecting the NIC in WFW. A: Use the 3Com drivers instead of Microsoft drivers. There are help files to assist with these installations, and the install program allows updating these drivers. Q: My NetWare workstation will not connect to the file server. How can I fix this problem? A: The most common problem is the client and server are using different NetWare frame types. The default frame type for NetWare 4.x and 3.12 is 802.2, where NetWare 3.11 used 802.3 as the default frame type. To verify this problem, 1 - Verify the frame type of the file server. This information is in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file on the server. Check to see which frame types are supported by the server. 2 - Edit the NET.CFG file to set the proper frame type. All the valid frame types are shown below: Link Driver 3C5X9 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_802.3 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_Snap Q: I have Award BIOS 4.50PG and I can not get into the 3Com configuration program. A: With the Award 4.50pg BIOS, you could either update the BIOS to a more current version or execute PNPDSABL.BAT to disable the PnP of the NIC. Q: Are there any command line functions or options for the 3Com diagnostics program? A: Yes. The INSTRUCT.TXT file located in the \HELP sub-directory explains in detail the possible options and functions of the diagnostics program. Q: Are there MSL drivers for the 3Com 3C5X9 NIC family? A: No, the 3C5X9 NIC cannot be used as a MSL with Novell. Q: Where are the drivers for NetWare 4.11 and NetWare client 32? A: This driver is not included on this diskette image, but can be obtained from the Novell web site in the file 3com.exe in the NetWare 4.11 support area. Q: Where can I get additional tech tips? A: To keep up with support of newer platforms, look to the 3Com Web site or the 3Com Fax Back system (408-727-7021) for additional tech tips. Request document 9999 for a list of documents available. %VER - 3C5X9 Release Notes and FAQ V5.1b