3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for The 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC Family IBM LAN Products IBM LAN Server v4.0 for OS/2 ---------------------------- This procedure describes how to install the NDIS driver for LAN Server 4.0. OS/2 must be already installed on your computer. To install the NDIS driver for the 3Com EtherLink III Family adapter, follow these steps: 1. Open an OS/2 prompt. 2. Insert the LAN Server MPTS (Multi-Protocol Transport Services) disk 1 in your floppy drive. 3. Make that drive your current drive. Type: A: [Enter] 4. Type: Install [Enter] 5. Select OK. 6. Select Install. 7. Select a target drive and then choose OK. The default drive is C. 8. Insert disk 2 when prompted and select OK. 9. Select OK when the MPTS installation is complete. 10. Select Configure. 11. Select LAN Adapters and Protocols and then choose Configure. 12. Select Other Adapters and then choose OK. 13. Insert the 3Com EtherDisk diskette in the floppy drive and enter the drive letter and path to the 3Com NDIS drivers. For example, type: A:\NDIS\OS2 14. Select OK. 15. Select 3Com EtherLink III family adapter for OS/2 and then choose Add. 16. Under Current Configuration, select 3Com EtherLink III adapter for OS/2 and then choose Edit. 17. Enter the 12-digit address of your EtherLink III Family adapter and then choose OK. The address is found on the 3Com EtherLink III adapter following the characters EA=. 18. Select the protocol(s) you will be using with your network and then choose Add. 19. Select your protocol(s) under Current Configuration and then choose Edit. 20. Enter the 12-digit address of your EtherLink III Family adapter and then choose OK. 21. Select OK. 22. Select Close. 23. Select Exit. 24. Select Update CONFIG.SYS and choose Exit. 25. Select OK. 26. Select Exit. 27. Quit OS/2 and reboot for the changes to take effect. 28. Follow the IBM instructions on installing LAN Server to complete the installation. IBM LAN Server v4.0 for DOS --------------------------- IBM DOS LAN Services Install v4.0 1. Insert the disk labeled DOS LAN Services Disk 1 into your disk drive. 2. Change to that drive and type: INSTALL 3. Choose the directory where you want the software installed. The default is C:\NET. 4. A menu appears that provides a list of network cards. Choose "Network card not shown in the list below..." 5. Type: A:\NDIS2\DOS Remove the DOS LAN Services Disk 1 diskette and insert the EtherDisk diskette. 6. The next menu should display 3Com EtherLink III Family. 7. Additional menus will appear. Choose the appropriate options for your network environment. Refer to the IBM manual if there are questions regarding these menus. 8. After completing the installation, you must copy ELNK3.DOS to C:\NET before rebooting. IBM LAN Support Program for DOS ------------------------------- The following depict examples of using the IBM LAN Support program with the 3Com EtherLink III adapter. To acquire the latest version of LAN Support, downloads are available from IBM's FTP site at: www.raleigh.ibm.com/pub/products/lanprods/lantran/lsp138.exe. Version1.38 is the latest version available at the time of this readme file. For installation instructions and assistance, please refer to IBM for more information. (Note: The example files below shows the minimum lines necessary for LAN Support. Your configuration files may be different than the ones below.) Example 1: LAN Support Program and IPX to communicate simultaneously with his Netware and AS/400 servers, using the 3c509B adapter and the NDIS driver. CONFIG.SYS ----------- DEVICE=C:\TEST\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\TEST DEVICE=C:\TEST\ELNK3.DOS DEVICE=C:\TEST\DXMA0MOD.SYS 001 DEVICE=C:\TEST\DXME0MOD.SYS LASTDRIVE=Z AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------- @ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G CD\TEST NETBIND LSL LANSUP IPXODI VLM NET.CFG -------- LINK SUPPORT BUFFERS 8 1500 MEMPOOL 4096 LINK DRIVER LANSUP FRAME TOKEN-RING LSB (LSB stands for Least Significant Bit, the default is MSB (Most Significant Bit) PROTOCOL.INI ------------- [PROTMAN] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [LAN SUPPORT] DRIVERNAME = DXME0$ BINDINGS = ELNK3_NIF [ELNK3_NIF] DRIVERNAME = ELNK3$ Example 2: LAN Support Program and IPX to communicate simultaneously with his Netware and AS/400 servers, using the 3c509B adapter and the ODI driver. CONFIG.SYS ------------- device=c:\test\protman.dos /i:c:\test device=c:\test\dxma0mod.sys 001 device=c:\test\dxme0mod.sys AUTOEXEC.BAT --------------- lsl.com 3c5x9.com odinsup.com netbind.exe ipxodi.com vlm.exe (or netx.exe) f:login NET.CFG ----------- Protocol ODINSUP bind 3C5x9 buffered Link Driver 3C5x9 frame ethernet_802.3 frame ethernet_802.2 frame ethernet_ii frame ethernet_snap protocol ipx 0 ethernet_802.3 (For use with Ethernet 802.3 frame type) PROTOCOL.INI -------------- [Protocol Manager] drivername=protman$ [Lan Support] drivername=DXME0$ bindings=X3C5x9 Example 3: This is the generic LAN Support configuration for the 3C5x9 adapter. CONFIG.SYS ----------- DEVICE=C:\TEST\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\TEST DEVICE=C:\TEST\ELNK3.DOS DEVICE=C:\TEST\DXMA0MOD.SYS 001 DEVICE=C:\TEST\DXME0MOD.SYS LASTDRIVE=Z AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------- @ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G CD\TEST NETBIND PROTOCOL.INI: -------------- [PROTMAN_MOD] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [DXMAIDXCFG] DXME0_NIF = DXME0.NIF DXMJ0MOD_NIF = DXMJ0MOD.NIF ELNK3_NIF = ELNK3.NIF SMCDOSJP_NIF = SMCDOSJP.NIF SMCDOSJP2_NIF = SMCDOSJP.NIF SMCDOSAT_NIF = SMCDOSAT.NIF SMCDOSAT2_NIF = SMCDOSAT.NIF SMCDOSMC_NIF = SMCDOSMC.NIF SMCDOSMC2_NIF = SMCDOSMC.NIF [DXME0_NIF] DriverName = DXME0$ Bindings = ELNK3_NIF [ELNK3_NIF] DriverName = ELNK3$ MAXTRANSMITS = 8 (%VER LANSRV.TXT - IBM LAN Products v5.0b)