3Com (R) Corporation EtherDisk (R) Diskette for the 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC Family NetWare Client 32 Driver Installation Notes This text describes how to update the Novell client 32 driver in Windows 95 and DOS. Installing the Updated ODI 32-bit Driver on Windows 95 Clients -------------------------------------------------------------- The 32-bit ODI driver only works in a system with Client 32 installed on it. Installing Client 32 on your system correctly can be very difficult so 3Com has supplied these instructions. The installation procedure is different depending on your system's current networking setup, but most likely your system is in one of 3 different states. I. If you already have Client 32 installed on your system but do not have a 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC installed, do steps number 12 through 15 to disable any other NICs in the system and then go to step 20. II. If you have a 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC and Client 32 on your system and just want to update the driver then remove all references to the NIC as shown in steps 1 through 15 and then go to step 20. III. If you are installing Client 32 on your system at the same time as the 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC, start at step 1. 1. Double-click on My computer. 2. Double-click on Control Panel. 3. Double-click on Network. 4. Open the Network control panel on your desktop. 5. Remove any EtherLink III NICs if they appear in the Network control panel. Do this by selecting the name of the NIC and then clicking Remove. 6. When you have removed all of the EtherLink III NICs from the control panel click OK. 7. If the system ask you if you want to reboot the computer click NO. DO NOT REBOOT THE SYSTEM AT THIS POINT. 8. In the Control Panel Double-click on System. 9. Click on the Device Manager tab. 10. If there is an entry called Network adapters double-click on it. If there is not go to step 17. 11. This will open a list of the NICs installed in your system. If any EtherLink III NICs appear in this list remove them by selecting them and clicking remove. DO NOT REBOOT THE SYSTEM. 12. If this leaves any NICs in your system you will have to disable them. Follow steps 13 through 15 for each NIC in the list. 13. Select the desired NIC and click Properties. 14. Find the Current Configuration at the bottom of the General page. It can be found by looking for the line with (Current) in the Device usage box. 15. Disable the NIC by clicking on the small box to remove the check mark, and click OK 16. In the System Properties window click OK. 17. Insert disk 1 of the client 32 installation disks and run SETUP.EXE. 18. Follow Novell's installation instructions. If you are asked to select a device, choose a NIC that you do not own (For example the 3Com EtherLink III Bus-Master PCI Ethernet Adapter) This will save you from reinstalling the Novell disks later. You will be prompted to select Preferred Server or Tree. See your network administrator for the correct information to enter to satisfy these prompts. 19. When the installation program is finished you will have a choice of rebooting the system, returning to windows , or customize. Click return to windows. DO NOT REBOOT THE SYSTEM. 20. Right click on the Start button on your taskbar. In the menu that appears click find. 21. Change the "Look in" field from C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu to C:\WINDOWS\INF. NOTE: this assumes you installed Windows 95 in the directory C:\WINDOWS 22. Click on the advanced tab, and in the "Containing text" field type: 3c509 Then click Find Now. If no files are found, double check that the entered text is correct. 23. Select all of the files you find and remove them to the Recycle Bin. Then empty your Recycle Bin. NOTE: You must do this to guarantee that Windows 95 will load the right files when you reboot the system. 24. Shutdown your system, and add any NICs that you want to add while the system is shut down. 25. Turn your system back on and wait for Windows 95 to detect the 3C5X9 EtherLink III NIC. The message "Your network adapter is not working properly" may appear on this screen. This message is a result from step 18 above. Click OK. 26. Select driver from disk provided by hardware manufacturer, and click OK. 27. Insert the EtherDisk 5.1 diskette into the A drive and type: A:\NWSERVER 28. Click OK. 29. Follow the instructions to insert the correct diskettes, and reboot the system. Note: If you get errors trying to find files make sure the path is set to A:\ whenever you are copying from a disk. 30. When the system reboots you must remove the adapter you don't own that was used as a place holder in step 18. (using the same method in steps 1 through 7.) 31. You must also turn on any devices you disabled in steps 12 through 15, by opening the property page and putting the check mark back in the box. 32. Reboot the system and you are finished. Installing a NIC for NetWare CLIENT32 for DOS --------------------------------------------- The following steps describe how to install your 3Com network NIC in a NetWare Client32 environment running DOS. 1. Ensure the card has been configured properly in the computer by reviewing the configuration and diagnostic tests. (This is accomplished by running a:\3c5x9cfg. From the main menu select Configure NIC under Install. After configuring and testing the NIC, Quit the Configuration and Diagnostic Program and you will be returned to the DOS prompt.) 2. Insert the "CLIENT32 DOS/WINDOWS 3.11 DISK 1 DOS" diskette from Novell. 3. Run A:\INSTALL. 4. Follow the screen instructions for NetWare Client 32 Install. 5. You will be asked to "Select a LAN Driver Type". a. Answer "32 bit LAN drivers". Hit b. Next is the driver name selection in the window "32-Bit Network Board Drivers." c. Page down to the bottom of the list and select "USER SPECIFIED 32 BIT DRIVER" and press ENTER. You must hit the ENTER key for a prompt to insert the driver disk. d. Select the correct NetWare Version directory for your network environment. On this EtherDisk, the correct directory is nw411. e. The driver name will appear in the "32-bit Network Board Drivers" window. Press ENTER to change settings such as frame type. Press F10 to save and continue. 6. Follow the remaining instructions for Client32 installation. Towards the end of installing Client32 you will be prompted for 3COM's driver diskette. Insert it when the Client 32 installer requests it. 7. Reboot the computer when prompted. (%VER CLIENT32.TXT - Installation guide v5.1c)