UPDATE Update Directories (v1.4 Public Domain by Wolfgang Schreiber) Function: Compare/Synchronize contents of 2 directories (Source, Dest): Files that are not in the destination, or are newer on the source directory than on the destination will be transferred. Syntax: UPDATE [file-spec] [options] Options: /O no confirmation at overwrites /N no confirmation /M Move Files /S update subdirectories /B both ways (update dest AND source) Examples: UPDATE C:\PGM\TURBO E:\ UPDATE C:*.PAS E:\TEST /S /N UPDATE C:*.PAS E: /B /O Features: - newer files on the destination will be displayed - Subdirectories are transferred on request - .BAK and 0 byte files are ignored. - optional deletion, dir recursion, bi-directional update - NetWare aware "speed copy"