GetSer.EXE Utility to determine NetWare Serial Numbers Public Domain written by Wolfgang Schreiber Purpose: With standard NetWare tools only a Supervisor or equivalent can determine NetWare serial numbers (using SYSCON/Server Information). In some cases it is necessary to determine NetWare serial numbers without being logged in as Supervisor - e.g. to detect copyright violations. This utility allows any user who has a connection to a file server to get serialization information. Usage: GetSer.EXE will display all server names it detected during startup and then start collecting servers' serial numbers. The Display will look similar to this: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Servers & Serial Numbers (Written by Wolfgang Schreiber) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³BIG_SERVER 03646345 ³ EDUCATION 05494363 ³ ³FS1 ³ FS2 ³ ³FS3 03453443 ³ FS4 ³ ³PRODUCTION 03453424 ³ FS4 ³ ³SALES ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Getting Serial Numbers  (any key aborts and shows list) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The display shows all detected file servers - if there are more server than can be displayed the additional servers will pop up as their serial number is detected. The process of collecting serial numbers may take several minutes (up to about 15 minutes). During the collection an activity indicator will rotate in the status line. Data collection can be aborted by pressing any key. Output: After all server serial numbers are found or when the user stops data collection by pressing any key all server names/addresses/serial numbers will be displayed alphabetically. This output can be redirected with normal DOS commands to a printer or file "GetSer > LPT1" "GetSer > C:\GetSer.OUT" Prerequisites: You must have the NetWare shell loaded and need a connection to at least one NetWare file server (e.g. have your drive F: in SYS:LOGIN). You may be - but you do NOT have to be - logged in to any server. Windows: If you intend to run GetSer.EXE in a Windows DOS box make sure to have TBMI (or TBMI2; for details see your NetWare/Windows documentation) installed. Otherwise Windows might hang your workstation. This might also apply to other multi-tasking systems like DesqView. Viruses: GetSer.EXE contains a self-protection for virus infection. During start-up it will verify its code. If a virus warning appears when starting GetSer.EXE you should check your system. Problems: During the data collection a new file server name ('GET_SERIAL_NUMBERS') will show up in the internetwork. This is necessary, only temporarily, and should not have any adverse effects. Copyright: This tool is written as public domain. Author: Written in Borland's Turbo Pascal by Wolfgang Schreiber.