May 7, 1994 WNetMenu v.1.1 is a network application launcher (Novell Netware 3.11/3.12 specific) for Microsoft Windows 3.x. It has the following features: - will load DOS or Windows applications. - allows automatic logout upon closing of application. - provides automatic or specific network drive mapping for application. COMPATIBILITY ------------- WNetMenu is written specifically for applications that are maintained on Novell Netware 3.11/3.12 file servers. In order for WNetMenu to load and launch other applications, Novell's Netware Driver Set v2.02 for workstations using NETX or the VLMs must be installed. This driver set is archived in WINUP9.EXE and is located at or any mirror site of netwire. The following files of this driver set must be installed: NWCALLS.DLL NWIPXSPC.DLL NWLOCALE.DLL NWNET.DLL VIPX.386 VNETWARE.386 VPICDA.386 NETWARE.DRV - specific driver for NETX or VLMs. Check install notes. NETWARE.HLP INSTALLATION NOTES ------------------ WNETMENU.ZIP contains three files: WNETMENU.EXE - Windows executable WNETMENU.INI - Application configuration file WNETMENU.TXT - WNetMenu overview (this file). Unpack the archived files into a valid working directory and set up WNETMENU.EXE in a Windows group. All network applications configured by WNetMenu will be stored in the WNETMENU.INI file. If the WNETMENU.INI file gets deleted or damaged, WNetMenu will create a new one in its working directory. OPERATIONS ---------- After loading WNetMenu, the user will be presented with a main window that has a pull-down menu list, user ID and password edit boxes, and a row of button controls. The pull-down menu list allows a user to select a pre configured application. The User ID and Password edit fields allow the user to enter the correct name/password for each server being accessed. - Control Buttons Choose the "Load" button to log the user into the configured server and launch the specified application. WNetMenu will acknowledge if the user is logged into the designated server and maintain all current drive mappings. To setup a new configuration for a network application or redefine an existing one, choose the "Setup" control button. This will bring up a dialog box with several fields. - Application Setup Window The Application Setup window contains 11 fields: Application, Auto Load, Netware Server, Logout on Exit, User ID, Password, Network Drive, Auto Map, Root, Volume:Directory and Executable File. Application - can use up to thirty characters for a menu item description. A drop list is available for selecting a previously defined application configuration. Auto Load - check box to indicate if application is to be automatically loaded on next launching of WNetMenu. Application will be Auto Loaded if configuration is last selected before exiting WNetMenu. (optional) Netware Server - a valid Netware file server. A drop list provides a listing of all Netware Servers found by WNetMenu on local network. User ID - valid User ID for logging into file server listed above (optional). Password - valid Password for User ID account list above (optional). Currently, password is saved unencrypted in configuration file. Will add encryption scheme in next release. User will have the opportunity to enter User ID and/or Password in main WNetMenu window before selecting "Load", if not specified in application configuration. If using "Auto Load" feature, WNetMenu will prompt user for User ID/Password if not defined prior to loading WNetMenu. Network Drive - valid network drive. Auto Map - check box to indicated if application is to be automatically mapped to first available drive. If selected, WNetMenu will detect if another drive is mapped to the volume:directory listed below. If no network drive is defined, this option is automatically selected (optional). Root - check box to indicate that application needs network drive to be mapped as root (optional). Volume:Directory - valid Netware Volume:Directory where application is located. This field must follow the Netware specification for mapping a drive (i.e. Volume:Directory\SubDir). Executable File - valid DOS or Windows executable file. MUST specify full file name including file extension (i.e. LAUNCH.EXE or LAUNCH.COM). The setup window allows the user to "Save" (update) or "Delete" the selected application configuration. Settings not saved will only be in effect for that session. - Command Line Parameter WNetMenu allows a command line parameter to be passed to it while loading. This feature allows a specific instance of WNetMenu to automatically launch the application defined by the parameter. The parameter must reference a valid application configuration section in WNETMENU.INI which will be in the form of "AppCfgxx", where xx is a numeric value. Refer to WNETMENU.INI for the correct configuration section that was assigned to the desired application setup. - Application Tracking WNetMenu can launch several applications from a single instance of WNetMenu. By doing so, WNetMenu will track all application instances and detect when an application terminates. If a terminating application was configured to "Logout on Exit", WNetMenu will determine if any other application(s) are using services off the server in question. If so, WNetMenu will flag the other application(s) to "Logout on Exit" and leave the file server services intact until they are terminated. DISTRIBUTION CONDITIONS ----------------------- You are free to distribute this version of WNetMenu as long as the following conditions are met: 1) The contents of this archive are NOT MODIFIED in any way. 2) This version is not to be sold. 3) This version is not to be bundled with a commercially sold package without permission from the author. Please report any bugs and comments to Eric Lutz,