UNDOC - Undocumented Calls-DOS Sren Granfeldt 2/93 Version 1.0 All rights reserved HISTORY REPORT This is a detailed section which holds history information about the intervention period of the unit UNDOC - Version 1.0 22/02/93 first release OVERVIEW This unit contains interface to some undocumented function in DOS. Some of this routines have not been implemented in all version of DOS. Therefore be sure to check the DOS version before using any of the routines in this unit. If a routine needs a special DOS version it will be noted at the end of the description in the source code. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE INFORMATION UNDOC requires Turbo Pascal version 5.5 or later but has only been tested in depth with version 6.0. UNDOC was written using the Turbo Pascal 6.0 compiler from Borland International. The source, if supplied, may not compile using other Pascal compilers. If you make changes to the source, please do not distribute the source or modified files without expressed written permission from me. UNDOC is supplied for personal, private use. Feel free though to distribute the included files(unmodified) or to use the unit with self-written commercial products(executables) given these restrictions; the unit shall be supplied or used in its original, unmodified form, which includes this documentation; proper credit must be expressed if the unit is used commercially; no special/extra fee is charged; the unit(as source) may not be included - or bundled - with other goods or services. Exceptions may be granted upon written request only. This also applies to clubs and distributors. If you find UNDOC useful, your gift in any amount would be appreciated. Please direct your inquiries, complaints, suggestions, etc., to: Sren Granfeldt Roald Amundsensvej 21 9210 Aalborg S Denmark Phone +45 98 14 42 04 INTERFACED DECLARATIONS AND PROCEDURES In this version UNDOC implements the following types, constants, variables, and procedures/functions. function SetHandleCount(DesiredHandles : Word) : Boolean; Purpose This function is used to increase the per-process limit on open files beyond the default of 20 files. Although documented, this function is included because of a bug in early releases(DOS 3.3+). Remarks Normally DOS only allows for a process to open 20 files at a time. Now a days this limit is a pain to programmers writting serious applications, i.e. database applications. Using this routine you are able extend this limit when running your applications on DOS 3.3 or higher. The function returns true if the function was supported on the DOS version and false is not. When calling the routine pass the number of file handles you need. Note that DOS requires some handles for the standard devices, like input, output, printing and communications. If you specify a number below 20 the call will be ignored. function MSNetworkInstalled : Boolean; Purpose Determine whether a Microsoft Network-compatible network is installed(DOS 2+). Remarks When writting applications you may need to know if a network is installed. This routines requires DOS 2.0 or higher to run. function GetSwitchChar : Char; Purpose Return the character which is used to introduce command switches(DOS 3+). Remarks If you write utility programs that need to be machine compatible this routine may be used to obtain the character that the current DOS version use to introduce a command switch.