NodeID 1.04 is Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by John L. Villalovos of Seriously Sound. This program and previous versions of this program are freeware. Future versions may become shareware. This program may be freely distributed with the restriction that this program may not be uploaded or be on Compuserve Information Services (commonly known as Compuserve). If you want you can send me email, money or a postcard. I would appreciate it but it is not required or assumed that you will. NodeID Get network address and place into environment variables. Description: Sets four environment variables based on your machines configuration. The four environment variables are as follows. VIDEO This variable is set depending on the display adapter installed in your computer. It will be set to one of the following. Excuse any errors in translating the acronyms. MDA Monochrome Display Adapter CGA Color Graphics Adapter EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter MCGA Multi-Color Graphics Adapter VGA Video Graphics Adapter NETNUM This variable is set to an 8 byte value for the network number. The network number is the number assigned to the section of network your station is connected. You may have a number of computers on the same network number. In a single file server installation with only one NIC (Network Interface Card) then all the stations will have the same network number. NODE1 & NODE2 compromise the 12 byte node address of the workstation. The reason they are split up is so that it is easy to use the variables to create file names or subdirectories. NODE1 This variable is set to the first 4 bytes of the node address of the workstation. In a Arcnet installation this will always be 0000 while in Ethernet and other topologies this will vary by the card. Usually cards from the same manufacturer will have the same value for all their cards. NODE2 This variable is set to the last 8 bytes of the node address of the workstation. This is the variable that will probably be used the most to uniquely identify a workstation. Command Line Commands: /Q Quiet output. This will not display any messages unless an error occurs during the program. /N Will not display a warning message if NETX is not loaded. Use this option with /Q if you want no output and you are only loading IPX. Requirements: This program requires at a minimum that IPX be loaded. DOS 2.0+. History of changes. 1.04 3-Nov-93 Converted to EXE instead of COM, no other changes. Removed beta label. Has been out for a while and no bug reports. 1.03 beta 4-Aug-93 Removed windowing. Added /Q & /N options. Actually put a little documentation into the file. 1.02 beta Added a window look to display. 1.01 beta Added VIDEO environment variable. 1.00 beta Initial version of NodeID. Written entirely in assembly language using the excellent Spontaneous Assembly library. This version sets the NETNUM, NODE1, & NODE2 environment variables. Also tests for DOS 2.0 or above.