Licence Management v1.1 This licence management system is designed around a batch file approach. There are two batch files, three helper programs, and the licence files themselves. Needed, but not included is a method of identifying the user. I use NWHAT4. I may later set up a fourth helper file to get the login name or location. Also requires the CALL batch file statement, so DOS 3.3 or later is needed. Included in the package are the following: LICMGT11.ZIP LICENCE1.BAT -- Administrative executive LICENCE.BAT -- User access DAT&TIM.ZIP -- helper prints date and time w/o LASTLINE.ZIP -- helper prints the last line in a file ZEROLEN.ZIP -- helper creates zero length files Each helper has the source code, object code, and the executable in *.exe and *.com forms As delivered, the system uses the directory Z:LICENCE. As I have my server map Z: to SYS:PUBLIC, this lets everyone get to the files easily. The directory MUST already exist, but editing one line in each batch file can let you change where the licence files are stored. The licence files come in three kinds. *.LIC is used to state the presence of the licence. *.NAM is used as a log file of usage. *.### (numbers) are the indivual licences. Licencing is kept track by the last letter in the numbered files. If it is a 'U', then the licence file is unused. If it is a 'D' then the licence file is not available. Installation: 1) Create the directory for holding the licences. (If you do not want to use Z:LICENCE, you must edit the two batch files.) 2) Run LICENCE1 for each set of licenced programs you want to keep track of. Note: the name used for tracking cannot be longer than seven (7) characters. 3) Create batch file to access you package you want administered. 4) Edit batch file and add something like the following at the start: ECHO OFF CALL LICENCE USE IF ~%LIC%~==NO GOTO BADTOUSE CALL LICENCE NAME 5) Edit batch file and add something like the following at the end: :GOODTOUSE CALL LICENCE DONE GOTO DONEUSINGIT :BADTOUSE ECHO SORRY, CANNOT USE NOW. TRY AGAIN LATER. :DONEUSINGIT 6) If the application batch file needs to exit in the middle, change the GOTO-line to the following: GOTO GOODTOUSE 7) Place LICENCE.BAT and the application batch file in the path. All done. Copyright: This software is PUBLIC DOMAIN software written by Jeff Pilant. E-Mail: