**************************************************************************** * * * (C) Copyright 1993 Novell, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * README.TXT for NetWare FLeX/IP 1.2A patch * * * * March, 1993 * **************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION This patch contains improvements and fixes in PLPD.NLM, LPR_GWY.NLM, LPR_PSRV.NLM, XCONSOLE.NLM for NetWare FLeX/IP Release 1.2. The following is the table of contents for this file: ----------------------------------------------------- Bugs fixes and software enhancements for FLeX/IP 1.2RevA 1. XConsole Enhancements A. VT100/VT220 support B. Changes to X-Windows support in XConsole C. Backspace key mapping in XConsole D. Icon name for an XConsole session E. Support for 24 line terminals in XConsole 2. PLPD (Unix-to-NetWare printing) enhancements 3. LPR_GWY (NetWare-to-Unix printing) enhancements 4. Updates in LP print client software for SCO and Interactive UNIX 5. FYI A. Token-ring B PLPD error message. 6 INSTALLATION *************************************************************************** 1. XConsole installation/update instructions A. VT100/VT220 support in XConsole =============================== In this version of NetWare FLeX/IP, the XConsole NLM has been enhanced to support remote console operations from VT100/VT220 terminals and from computers and terminals that provide exact VT100/VT220 terminal emulation. To run XConsole in VT100/VT220 mode: a. Connect to the NetWare server running XConsole by typing telnet servername b. Enter the correct password. c. If you enter the correct password, the following prompt appears: Choose one of the terminal types by pressing 0 - X11 Help is Ctrl-? or Ctrl-w Exit is Ctrl-x 1 - VT100/VT220 Compatible Help is Ctrl-? or Ctrl-w Exit is Ctrl-x Enter[0]: d. Type 1 and then the Enter key. The server console screen is displayed on your terminal. You may now interact with the console from your keyboard as if you are at the server's console. If you wish to use VT100/VT220 emulation mode on a Sun workstation, you must run the "xterm" program rather than running the command or shell tools. Note: If you are using a Sun workstation, it is preferable to use the X-Window emulation mode rather than the VT100/VT220 emulation mode after invoking telnet from the command or shell tools. When using the VT100/VT220 emulation mode, you may need to use the control key functions given in Table 4-1 of the NetWare FLeX/IP Supervisor's Guide on page 4-6, and the alt key combinations given in Table 4-2 on page 4-9. B. Changes to X-Windows support in XConsole ======================================== After you enter the correct password in step 3 on page 4-4 of the NetWare FLeX/IP Supervisor's Guide, the following prompt appears: Choose one of the terminal types by pressing 0 - X11 Help is Ctrl-? or Ctrl-w Exit is Ctrl-x 1 - VT100/VT220 Compatible Help is Ctrl-? or Ctrl-w Exit is Ctrl-x Enter[0]: Type 0 and then the Enter key. You will get the following prompt: Do you want the X-session displayed on a display other than the default [localhost:0.0] (y/n)? [n]: If you type ENTER or 'n', then XConsole tries to establish a session on localHost on display 0 and screen 0 (the defaults). If you enter 'y', then the following prompts are displayed: Enter the name of the host where XConsole should start the X-session [localHost]: After you type ENTER (for localhost) or another host's name here, the following two prompts appear requesting the display and screen number on that host: Enter display number [0]: Enter screen number [0]: XConsole tries to establish a session on the specified host, display and screen, and if successful, XConsole prints the following message before quitting telnet: XConsole session created successfully on host:d.s. where host is either localHost or the host specified, d and s are the display screen numbers on which the X-session is started. If XConsole fails to establish a session, then the following is printed before quitting telnet: Cannot open X display, possible causes: 1. NetWare host is not authorized to use your X display, or 2. X server is not installed properly, or 3. This is not a X display. C. Backspace key mapping in XConsole ================================= If your terminal does not have the Back Space key or you prefer to use the Delete key (on Main Keypad) for the "Erase Previous Character" action, then you may use Ctrl-h or re-map your delete key to send the code XK_Backspace. D. Icon name for an XConsole session ================================= When a XConsole session is iconized, the icon name is now the NetWare server name rather than "NetWare". E. Support for 24 line terminals in XConsole ========================================= If XConsole is loaded with the /24 switch: :load xconsole /24 The first line will not be displayed. Only lines 2 through 25 of the NetWare Server's Console on the 24-line terminal. 2. PLPD (Unix-to-NetWare printing) enhancements ============================================ a. Most LP print clients send their print requests with banner page and trailing form feed enabled by default. If the LP print client sends a special title switch "/nff/nb" to PLPD in the -J option of lpr, PLPD will override the client's request and suppress both trailing formfeed and banner page for that particular print job. Example: lpr -Pnetware -J/nff/nb b. For banner page suppression only, you may use lpr -h switch or the lpr -J/nb switch. c. For trailing formfeed suppression only, you may use lpr -J/nff switch. d. lprm now removes the current active job when a job number is not specified. 3. LPR_GWY (NetWare-to-Unix printing) enhancements ================================================ a. This version of LPR_GWY fixes a server crash problem that occured when the print gateway tried to connect to a remote host where the printer is off-line or not available. In such case, the Product Kernel screen shows the following message before the server abends, This problem is now fixed in that the same message is displayed but server does not crash. LPR_GWY-Error: Cannot send spooling job on : error from remote lpd b. LPR_GWY now handles 'T' and 'H' flags properly, and will now send the proper print control information to the Unix lpr print server. 4. Updates in LP print client software for SCO or Interactive UNIX ================================================================ This patch includes update of files (lpr_ip.sco, lpr_ip.isc, lpstat.sco, lpstat.isc, lprinst, lprcfg) found in NFS117.ZIP, which allows printing from SCO and Interactive Unix print clients. Now that SCO and Interactive have their own lp implementation, the advisable solution is to have lp support from SCO or ISC. 5. FYI - A. Token-Ring boards ================= For Token-Ring boards, the maximum size of receive buffers must be set to 4202. To have this setup each time the server is booted, add the following line to the STARTUP.NCF file: set maximum physical receive packet size=4202 B. PLPD error message ================== Under heavy printing conditions, you may see the following error message. PLPD-Error: Cannot create temporary spool file If printing appears to be normal, ignore this error message. If job appears to take a long time to print, you should update the CLIB.NLM to version 3.11d or greater. New version of CLIB.NLM is available from NetWire NOVLIB Forum. 6. INSTALLATION FILES FOR THIS PATCH LPR_GWY NLM 23390 12-02-92 5:40p LPR_PSRV NLM 53696 12-02-92 5:43p PLPD NLM 42975 12-02-92 5:25p XCONSOLE NLM 79776 11-05-92 5:23p LPR_IP ISC 79204 11-02-92 4:19p LPSTAT SCO 60076 11-02-92 4:19p LPRCFG 2196 11-02-92 4:18p README TXT 8889 03-16-93 10:19a LPR_IP SCO 73024 11-02-92 4:19p LPSTAT ISC 65592 11-02-92 4:19p LPRINST 2515 11-02-92 4:18p FILTER NLM 18932 12-02-92 5:26p FLTRLIB NLM 2315 12-02-92 5:25p This procedure requires a workstation with a floppy diskette drive the same format as the distribution diskette. The workstation should be connected to the server and the user will login to the server as SUPERVISOR. UPDATE PROCEDURE I. Preparation Before starting the PATCH procedure, make sure you have the following: * FLeX/IP V1.2 distribution diskette. * Workstation with a floppy disk drive the same format as the distribution diskette. * Patch Files either on hard disk or floppy. This procedure will assume the files are on a floppy diskette. For this procedure: Drive C: is assumed for all activities on the workstation. Drive A: is assumed for all activities related to the floppy drive. Drive F: is assumed for all activities related to the NetWare server. A temporary directory is created for this procedure using the name TEMP. If this name is already used on the workstation, use another name for the temporary directory where TEMP is specified in this procedure. II. Updating the NLMs 1. Create a temporary directory on the workstation. This directory will contain the PATCH files and the NLMs. (This procedure assumes the temporary directory is created on drive C:. Substitute the actual drive letter to be used for C:) C: MKDIR \TEMP 2. Transfer PATCH files, FLX135.RTP and PATCH.EXE, to the directory TEMP. (This procedure assumes the files are on a floppy diskette. Substitute the actual location of the files for A:) CD \TEMP COPY A:*.* 3. Place the NetWare FLeXIP V1.2 distribution diskette in drive A and transfer the NLMs from the distribution diskette to the directory TEMP. Drive A is assumed. COPY A:\SYSTEM\LPR_GWY.NLM COPY A:\SYSTEM\LPR_PSRV.NLM COPY A:\SYSTEM\PLPD.NLM COPY A:\SYSTEM\XCONSOLE.NLM COPY A:\SYSTEM\FILTER.NLM COPY A:\SYSTEM\FLTRLIB.NLM COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPR_IP.ISC COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPR_IP.SCO COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPSTAT.ISC COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPSTAT.SCO COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPRINST COPY A:\PUBLIC\LPRCFG 4. Execute the PATCH file with the name of the .RTP file as the argument. PATCH FLX135 Note: PATCH.EXE searches for filenames starting from the current directory then searches paths specified in the DOS PATH environment variable. If there are files with the same names as those being patched in other directories specifed in the DOS PATH, a message "New version already exists" is printed. III. Transfer the NLMs to the Server. 1. Login to the file server as SUPERVISOR. LOGIN fileserver/SUPERVISOR Password:XXXXXX 2. Save a backup copy of the current files to be updated. F: CD \SYSTEM NCOPY LPR_GWY.NLM LPR_GWY.OLD NCOPY LPR_PSRV.NLM LPR_PSRV.OLD NCOPY PLPD.NLM PLPD.OLD NCOPY XCONSOLE.NLM XCONSOLE.OLD NCOPY FILTER.NLM FILTER.OLD NCOPY FLTRLIB.NLM FLTRLIB.OLD 3. Use FLAG to remove the READ-ONLY attribute. FLAG LPR_GWY.NLM N FLAG LPR_PSRV.NLM N FLAG PLPD.NLM N FLAG XCONSOLE.NLM N FLAG FILTER.NLM N FLAG FLTRLIB.NLM N 4. Copy the updated files to the SYSTEM directory. F: CD \SYSTEM NCOPY C:\TEMP\LPR_GWY.NLM NCOPY C:\TEMP\LPR_PSRV.NLM NCOPY C:\TEMP\PLPD.NLM NCOPY C:\TEMP\XCONSOLE.NLM NCOPY C:\TEMP\FILTER.NLM NCOPY C:\TEMP\FLTRLIB.NLM 5. Use FLAG to reset the READ-ONLY attribute. FLAG LPR_GWY.NLM RO S FLAG LPR_PSRV.NLM RO S FLAG PLPD.NLM RO S FLAG XCONSOLE.NLM RO S FLAG FILTER.NLM RO S FLAG FLTRLIB.NLM RO S IV. Loading the new files. Operations for this phase of the update will be performed from the NetWare server. 1. At the NetWare console, shut down the server. :FLXSTOP :DOWN :EXIT 2. Restart the server. SERVER V. Post patch clean up 1. At the workstation, delete the existing files in the TEMP directory. C: CD \TEMP DEL *.* 2. Remove the TEMP directory. CD \ RMDIR \TEMP The update is now complete. ***************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to this software patch, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. Novell's intentions for this software patch is to provide a temporary work-around to the anomalies described in this file. Such work-arounds are typically addressed in future releases of NetWare. Distribution of this patch is forbidden without the express written consent of Novell, Inc. Novell reserves the right to discontinue distribution of this software patch. Novell will not be responsible for any data loss that may result from implementing this patch. Novell strongly recommends a backup be made before any patch is applied. Technical support for this patch is provided at the discretion of Novell. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** CAUTION ALWAYS backup your system before implementing any program/utility revision involving the low-level functions of NetWare including re-linking of operating system .OBJ files, Bindery utilities, drive and volume operation, etc. *****************************************************************************