----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-Login v2.0 Copyright (C) 1994 by BLAZE Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOGIN2.ZIP is shareware and distributing it is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-LOGIN V2.0 SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT BLAZE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. IS WILLING TO LICENSE THE ENCLOSED SOFTWARE TO YOU ONLY IF YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS IN THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. B-Login is available for a 35 day trial period. This allows for a 20 day software evaluation and a 15 day ordering period. If after the 35 day evaluation period B-Login has not been purchased, all copies of B-Login should be removed from the systems on which B-Login was installed. After purchasing B-Login, you will be licensed the number of ordered components of the B-Login software. You may NOT exchange, sell, or distribute licensed copies of B-Login components. B-LOGIN V2.0 SOFTWARE WARRANTY B-Login is sold on an as-is basis. BLAZE Technologies, Inc. specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied. In no event shall BLAZE Technologies, Inc. be liable for any loss of profit or any other damage including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, including damages to third parties. If you do not find these terms agreeable, then do not use the B-Login software. By using B-Login, you have agreed to these licensing and warranty terms.