----------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-Login v2.0 Copyright (C) 1994 by BLAZE Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOGIN2.ZIP is shareware and distributing it is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION AND INITIAL USAGE GUIDE NOTE: It is encouraged that B-Login v2.0 be installed in the SYS:\LOGIN\BLOGIN2 directory on the file server so that the example screens work properly. To install B-Login v2.0, simply copy all of the files and directories included with this distribution to SYS:\LOGIN\BLOGIN2. After copying the files to the desired directory, designing a login screen can begin. There are 4 executables of interest when using B-Login v2.0. In the \BLOGIN2 directory is the BLOGIN2.EXE program. This program is the actuall login shell that will be used to replace Novell's LOGIN.EXE. In the \BLGNEDIT directory is the BLGNEDIT.EXE login screen designer, BMEDIT.EXE bitmap editor, and TVHC.EXE help compiler. To start designing a screen, type BLGNEDIT at the DOS prompt and while in the \BLGNEDIT directory (this is needed so that the help files are found). ************************************************************************** See the on-line help in BLGNEDIT for details on designing a login screen AND installing the Login Shell. ************************************************************************** If you are in need of help, feel free to call BLAZE at (605) 394-5777 or FAX us at (605) 394-5738. Thanks.