The program analyses the Novell 3.1x Audit file as produced by the PAUDIT command and returns information on the total length of time a user is attached to a server, and the total number of times they attach. This program is based on one written by J. Pilant in Basic. It was re-written by myself to overcome memory problems and speed issues. It will now handle an accounting file containing records for :- 2300 Users 10 Print Servers 200 Ethernet Cards 10 Networks The program is made up of the following files :- auditn.exe - the main executable auditn.rpt - a general log file produced by the program summary.rpt - the main report file audit.lis - the Novell accounting file. You will need to create audit.lis yourself by using Novells Paudit command as follows :- paudit > audit.lis The program itself is selfcontained and is invoked by typing AUDITN in the directory where audit.lis resides. The Legal bit. -------------- This program is copyrighted by D. King and The University of Waikato but is released as Freeware to be used by anyone for their own purposes. Neither The University or myself make any promises on the capabilities of this software, nor will we accept any liability for damage to any system that this program is placed on or attached to. --- David G King