Microsoft..............Windows for Workgroups v3.1 WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS INSTALLATION NOTES: FOR THE INTEL EtherExpress(tm) 16 FAMILY OF NETWORK ADAPTERS ============================================================ This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP. It contains notes for installing the NDIS driver using the Windows for Workgroups installation program. INTRODUCTION: ------------- The setup and configuration of the the EtherExpress card is integrated into the Windows for Workgroups setup program. NOTE: If you are using the EtherExpress FlashC card, disable FlashStart. If an EtherExpress card is installed in the computer when you run Setup, it will detect the card and display the following message: WINDOWS SETUP Windows Setup has detected the Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP network adapter in your computer. Do you want to install the driver for this adapter now? YES NO The Setup program creates a Protcol.ini file it which uses to define configuration for the EtherExpress card. Keywords and values in the Protocol.ini file are read by the driver and written to the EtherExpress card. NOTE: If you run Softset and set the board for specific values, you MUST choose the same values in the Setup program. The Windows for Workgroups Setup program does not read the EtherExpress EPROM for preassigned values. However, it does scan the computer for conflicts. It will set the Keyword values in the Protocol.ini to their defaults unless it finds a conflict or if you manually select a value. If there is a conflict with the default value it will continue until it finds the first unused value. For example, if the EtherExpress card is set to IRQ5 before you run the Windows for Workgroups Setup, and IRQ3 is unused, it will set the IRQ to 3 unless you tell it differently. This is may only be a problem if the EtherExpress card was being used with another network OS before the Windows installation. Windows for Workgroups configures these options on the EtherExpress card. IRQ: Default is 3 IOCHRDY: Default is Late IOADDRESS: Default is 300 TRANSCEIVER: Default is thin net (BNC/COAX) Example PROTOCOL.INI file for the EtherExpress card: ---------------------------------------------------- [network.setup] version=0x3100 netcard=ms$ee16,1,MS$EE16 transport=ms$netbeui,MS$NETBEUI lana0=ms$ee16,1,ms$netbeui [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NETBEUI [MS$EE16] DriverName=EXP16$ IOADDRESS=0x300 IRQ=5 IOCHRDY=Late TRANSCEIVER=Thin Net (BNC/COAX) [MS$NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=5 NCBS=10 BINDINGS=MS$EE16 LANABASE=0