Thick Ethernet cabling This document contains cabling tips for thick ethernet (10Base5) networks. For more information on cabling a thick ethernet network, contact your local network supplier or call the IEEE (800-678-IEEE). THICK ETHERNET: --------------- Thick ethernet is a linear bus topology that uses a COAX cable. If their is a break in the cable it will disrupt the entire segment. The thick ethernet COAX cable is usually brightly colored - yellow or blue. It will have "tap" markings every 2.5 meters. (These marks show where to connect transceivers.) Workstations are connected to a thick ethernet cable through the AUI port on the NIC, a "drop" cable (sometimes calles a transceiver cable) and a transceiver (or MAU). ----- thick ehternet cable |------------------| |------------------------------------| --+-- transceiver | | drop cable | ----+------- | | nic | workstation | | ------------ A thick ethernet cable must be terminated at each end (50ohm terminators), and one end must be earth grounded. The internal coax shield must not make electrical contact with the earth ground. CABLE LENGTHS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Max trunk length 500 meters (1640 feet) Max number of nodes per trunk 100 Max number of trunks 5 (only 3 can have wkst attached) Max length of entire network 2500 meters (8200 feet) (all trunks added together) Min cable length between taps 2.5 meters (8 feet) Max length of drop cable 50 meters (164 feet) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Up to 5 trunk segments may be connected (through repeaters), but only 3 of these segments can have workstations attached. Repeaters count as a workstation so if you have two repeaters on a segment then the maximum number of user workstations is 98. Example: no workstations no workstations | | v v |--+----------+ +--------+ +------+-------+ +--------+ +----+----| | | | | | | | | | | | | repeater repeater | repeater repeater | | | | workstation workstation workstation 1-99 1-98 1-99 PINOUT FOR AUI PORT: -------------------- shell = protective ground | --------------------------------------------- | o o o o o o o o | \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / \ / \ o o o o o o o / \ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 / --------------------------------- PIN NAME AND FUNCTION 1 Control-in Shield. The shield for the CI twisted pair on the AUI cable. 2 Control-in Circuit A. The positive signal for the CI circuit. This circuit is used to send the mau_available and signal_quality_error messages to the equipment. 3 Data-out circuit A. The positive signal for the DO circuit. 4 Data-in Shield. The shield for the DI twisted pair in the AUI cable. 5 Data-in Circuit A. The positive signal for the DI circuit. 6 Voltage Common. The ground return for the VP circuit. 7 not connected 8 not connected 9 Control-in Circuit B. The negative signal for the CI circuit. This circuit sends the same signals as listed under pin 2. 10 Data-out Circuit B. The negative signal for the DO circuit. 11 Data-out Shield. The shield for the DO twisted pair in the AUI cable. 12 Data-in Circuit B. The negative signal for the DI circuit. 13 Voltage Plus. The power supply to the transceiver. The supply must remain in the range of 12V - 6% to 15V + 5%. 14 Voltage Shield. The shield for the VC and VP (pins 6 and 13) twisted pair. 15 not connected