Novell NetWare Lite....Server or workstation NETWARE LITE INSTALLATION NOTES: FOR THE INTEL EtherExpress(tm) 16 FAMILY OF NETWORK ADAPTERS ============================================================ This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP. It contains installation notes for installing the driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress board. For instructions about configuring the board, see either the Expert's Guide or the Complete Guide for your board. NOTE: This document or an updated version (if anything has changed since this was written) is available on FaxBACK. (document # 6307) INTRODUCTION: ------------- This document is based on NetWare Lite versions 1.0 and 1.1. Novell recommends the network adapter use an ODI driver with NetWare Lite, but NetWare Lite can also use an IPX driver. This document describes the installation procedure for both ODI and IPX workstations. For more details on NetWare Lite, see Novell's documentation. BEFORE YOU BEGIN: ----------------- If you have 5.25" NetWare Lite diskettes, copy the Intel ODI driver to a backup copy of the NetWare DRIVERS diskette. If you have 3.5" NetWare Lite diskettes, copy the Intel ODI driver to a backup copy of the NetWare Lite diskette. The EtherExpress DOS ODI driver is located in the NETWARE.ODI subdirectory on the EtherExpress diskette. \NETWARE.ODI\EXP16ODI.COM NOTE: For an IPX installation the ODI driver will act as a place holder during INSTALL program. PROCEDURE FOR ODI: ------------------ 1. Start Novell's INSTALL program and follow Novell's instructions for "other" drivers. When prompted to insert the "other" driver diskette, leave Novell's disk in the drive and press ESC. Select the EXP16ODI.COM driver from the list of available drivers. INSTALL will create a file called STARTNET.BAT. STARTNET.BAT for the for EtherExpress should look like this: LSL EXP16ODI IPXODI A SHARE SERVER CLIENT NOTE: If this machine is a client only, the SERVER command will not be included. 2. If the EtherExpress board IS configured to use the default I/O address (300H), you are done. Reboot the computer, run STARTNET and watch for the driver's logon message. If the EtherExpress board IS NOT configured for the default I/O address, go to the next step. 3. Create a NET.CFG file on the boot disk. The NET.CFG should contain these statements: Link Driver EXP16ODI Port xxx WHERE xxx is the I/O address for the EtherExpress card. NOTE: NET.CFG is case and position sensitive so be careful to use capital letters as shown and indent the second line with one space or one tab. The NET.CFG file must be in the same directory as the EtherExpress driver and you must be in that directory when you execute EXP16ODI. When you finish editing the NET.CFG file, reboot the computer, run STARTNET and watch for the driver's logon message. PROCEDURE FOR IPX: ------------------ You should not use use IPX in a server/workstation. 1. Start Novell's INSTALL program and follow Novell's instructions for "other" drivers. When prompted to insert the "other" driver diskette, leave Novell's disk in the drive and press ESC. Select the EXP16ODI.COM driver from the list of available drivers. INSTALL will create a file called STARTNET.BAT. STARTNET.BAT for the for EtherExpress should look like this: LSL EXP16ODI IPXODI A SHARE CLIENT 2. When you finish the installation, copy IPX.COM from the root directory of the EtherExpress disk to the NetWare Lite directory on your boot disk. 3. Edit STARTNET.BAT. Delete LSL, EXP16ODI, and IPXODI A. Replace them with IPX. The new STARTNET.BAT should look like this: IPX SHARE CLIENT 4. When you finish editing the STARTNET.BAT file, reboot the computer, run STARTNET and watch for the driver's logon message. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTES: ====================== Remote boot (RPL) will not work on a NetWare Lite server or client. Thin Ethernet requires a t-connector on EVERY workstation and terminators on the end of each trunk segment. One of the two terminators must be grounded. You cannot directly connect 2 workstations. 10BASE-T requires a hub or concentrator. For test purposes, you can connect two computers without a hub, you should not do this for a production environment. See the 10BASE-T document for more information.