DOS ODI (NetWare 4.0 server) NETWARE 4.0 DOS WORKSTATION INSTALLATION NOTES: FOR THE INTEL EtherExpress(tm) 16 FAMILY OF NETWORK ADAPTERS ============================================================ This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP. It contains notes for installing the NetWare 4.0 ODI driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress board. The installation of the NetWare 4.0 Client software is much easier than earlier versions. The installation procedure will transfer files to a specific directory on the workstation and create or modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs. The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is located on NetWare's "Workstation for DOS" diskette. Before you begin, you need the I/O address and IRQ of the EtherExpress adapter. You can get this information by running SOFTSET (for ISA cards) or the IBM System Configuration utility (for Microchannel cards). INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: ----------------------- Run INSTALL.EXE from the Workstation for DOS Diskette. The Netware Client Install program screen will appear. You must complete each of the questions. These options are specific to your needs. Step #1 specifies the directory on the hard drive that you want to install the client software. The default directory is C:\NWCLIENT. You can specify another directory if you desire. Step #2 gives you the option to automatically update the CONFIG.SYS and the AUTOEXEC.BAT files or modify them at a later time manually. Step #3 will install Windows software for your system if your workstation supports Windows, and will ask you to specify the directory which Windows is located. Step #4 asks you to select a network driver and provide configuration options. It uses the specifications you select to create the file NET.CFG. This is the step in which you will choose the appropriate Intel EtherExpress option (ISA or MCA). Intel EtherExpress ISA would be selected if you are using the EE16, EE16TP or the EE16C. Once you have choosen the correct board type, verify the configuration settings for the board if necessary. Step #5 is the final step and the INSTALL program will copy the appropriate files to your harddrive.