Novell servers.........NetWare 2.2 NETWARE 2.2 SERVER INSTALLATION NOTES: FOR THE INTEL EtherExpress(tm) 16 FAMILY OF NETWORK ADAPTERS ============================================================ This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA TP. It contains notes for installing the NetWare 2.2 server driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress board. For instructions about configuring the board, see either the Expert's Guide or the Complete Guide for your board. This document is also available on FaxBACK. Document #6312. INTRODUCTION: ------------- To setup a Novell NetWare 2.2 server, you "tell" NetWare what hardware you have in the server and the configuration settings of that hardware. You then install User Services and make them available to your users. You can install NetWare from the network or from the NetWare diskettes. This document assumes you are installing Novell NetWare 2.2 from diskettes. For complete information on setting up a server, see the Novell NetWare documentation. PROCEDURE: ---------- 1. Run INSTALL from a backup copy of the Novell NetWare System-1 disk. When asked which installation method you want (Basic or Advanced), choose ADVANCED. NOTE: The original Novell NetWare diskettes are write protected. Follow Novell's instructions for making writeable backups before you run Novell's INSTALL program. 2. A few screens into the program you will be asked to setup your network adapter and your disk controller. Highlight NETWORK BOARD A and press Enter. A list of available adapters will appear. Press the Insert key and you will be asked to insert a disk into a drive. Insert the Intel EtherExpress diskette in a drive and press Enter. 3. After a few seconds three versions of the EtherExpress driver will be added to the list of available drivers. Intel EtherExpress 16 Driver ver# date Intel EtherExpress 16 Driver w/AT 1 ver# date Intel EtherExpress 16 Driver w/AT 2 ver# date The first driver (no notation before the version number) is a standard NetWare 286 server driver, but contains no AppleTalk support. The next driver (w/AT 1) includes support for AppleTalk phase 1, and the last driver (w/AT 2) includes support for AppleTalk phase 2. Select the appropriate driver and press Enter. (If you are not sure which version of AppleTalk you are running, see your Novell documentation.) 4. You should now be at the Network Adapter and Disk Controller screen again. Select CONFIGURATION OPTION and you will see the following list: option 0 IOAddress 300 option 1 IOAddress 310 option 2 IOAddress 320 option 3 IOAddress 220 option 4 Driver configurable by the Jumpers utility Select the I/O Address you specified and press Enter. (The I/O address is setup in SOFTSET for the EtherExpress 16 and the System Configuration program for the EtherExpress MCA.) If the I/O Address you selected is not in this list, select option 4 (Driver configurable by the Jumpers utility). After you complete the INSTALL program, you will need to run the Novell Jumpers utility (on NET$OS.EXE) and update the I/O Address selection for the EtherExpress board. 5. Now you can setup the network address and disk controller as specified in Novell's documentation. 6. Next you will be asked to swap a several disks. When asked to insert the LAN_DRV_453 disk, put the Intel EtherExpress disk in drive A. This will copy the needed files to the correct location. NOTE: If you are using a backup copy of the EtherExpress disk, the volume label must be LAN_DRV_453. Continue with the installation procedure as directed in the Novell documentation. NETWARE 2.1X: ------------- NetWare version 2.1x uses a program called NETGEN to setup and configure the server. See Novell's documentation for information about running NETGEN. The options for the EtherExpress board will be the same as in the NetWare 2.2 installation. MEMORY MAPPED MODE: ------------------- You should only have one EtherExpress 16 in memory mapped mode in NetWare 2.2 server. If you have two EtherExpress cards set to memory mapped mode, the second one will automatically switch to I/O mapped mode. MULTIPLE CARDS IN SERVER: ------------------------- The EtherExpress NetWare 2.2 server driver supports one or two cards in the server. NetWare 2.2 allows up to four network cards (LAN A-D) in the server. However, there is a size limit on the network card's OBJ file to be able to accomplish this. The total OBJ size must be less than 20-25K depending on the version. If you exceed this limit, you get a linking error when the NET$OS is being created. INSTALL doesn't say why the the linking error, only that one occurred. To eliminate the error, you must remove a network card from the server and rerun INSTALL.