TCP/IP.................Configuration notes and examples TCP/IP CONFIGURATION NOTES: FOR THE INTEL EtherExpress(tm) 16 FAMILY OF NETWORK ADAPTERS ============================================================ This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16/TP, MCA, and MCA/TP. It contains general information notes and also examples for PCNFS and PC/TCP with the EtherExpress driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress board. For instructions about configuring the board, see either the Expert's Guide or the Complete Guide for your board. This document combines several FaxBACK documents. For more information about any one section, order the FaxBACK document for that section. ARE THE ETHEREXPRESS CARDS TCP/IP COMPATIBLE? FaxBACK #6260 ------------------------------------------------------------ Intel does not sell TCP/IP software, however, TCP/IP software may be purchased from several different vendors. Intel provides NDIS and ODI drivers that work with most TCP/IP software. First, determine if the TCP/IP software is a NDIS or ODI compliant and then find the section below that applies. NDIS GENERAL: ------------- Intel's EtherExpress 16 NDIS driver conforms to Microsoft's NDIS Specification version 2.0.1. If the TCP/IP software is NDIS compliant, use the NDIS drivers. These drivers are on the EtherExpress diskette in the following subdirectories: NDIS\EXP16.DOS (for DOS) NDIS\EXP16.OS2 (for OS/2) In addition to the driver, the Protocol.ini file may need to be updated. For a sample Protocol.ini, please refer to the PROTOCOL.INI file included in the same subdirectory as the driver. The Protocol.ini should look like the following: [EXP16] IOADDRESS = 0x300 DRIVERNAME = EXP16$ NOTE: The IOADDRESS must be modified to match the I/O Address of the card. The EXP16$ must be in capital letters. NDIS AND BANYAN VINES: ---------------------- The version of TCP/IP supplied with Banyan Vines 4.X does not support NDIS drivers. To use TCP/IP with an NDIS driver, you will need to purchase a version of TCP/IP that supports NDIS. We recommend you call your Banyan support representative for more information. ODI GENERAL: ------------ The ODI driver conforms to Novell's ODI Specification. If the TCP/IP software is ODI compliant, use the ODI drivers. These drivers are on the diskette in the following subdirectory. NETWARE.ODI\EXP16ODI.COM (for DOS) NETWARE.ODI\EXP16ODI.SYS (for OS/2) ODI Drivers use a Net.cfg file that works similar to the Protocol.ini file. An EXAMPLE of the ODI Net.cfg from a Lan WorkPlace for DOS set up follows: Link Support Buffers 8 1586 MemPool 4096 Protocol IPX Bind EXP16ODI Protocol TCP/IP Bind EXP16ODI ip_address xxx Link Driver EXP16ODI Port 300 Frame Ethernet_II Frame Ethernet_802.3 Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.3 NOTE: The Port parameter must be modified to match the I/O Address of the card. PACKET DRIVERS: --------------- We provide a packet driver for EtherExpress card via our BBS. Some TCP/IP packages allow you to use packet drivers. Refer to to the TCP/IP documentation for instructions. EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILES: ---------------------------- THESE ARE ONLY EXAMPLES TO BE USED AS GUIDELINES. YOUR CONFIGURATION FILES MAY VARY. FTP SOFTWARE'S PC/TCP FOR NDIS: FaxBACK #6321 ---------------------------------------------- 1. Must be using PC/TCP for DOS version 2.05 (or newer)and that the kernel is PC-210. 2. The protocol.ini, pro.msg, proh.msg must be located in the c:\LANMAN subdirectory. 3. Copy the EtherExpress NDIS driver from the LAN Adapter diskette. (\NDIS\EXP16.DOS) 4. Example configuration files. CONFIG.SYS: files=40 buffers=40 device=c:\ftp\ipcust.sys device=c:\ftp\ifcust.sys device=c:\ftp\protman.sys device=c:\ftp\exp16.dos device=c:\ftp\dis_pkt.gup AUTOEXEC.BAT: path=c:\dos;c:\ftp prompt $p$g c:\ftp\netbind c:\ftp\ethdrv PROTOCOL.INI: [PROTOCOL MANAGER] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ ;MACS [EXP16] DRIVERNAME = EXP16$ IOADDRESS = 0x300 ;PROTOCOLS [PKTDRV] DRIVERNAME = PKTDRV BINDINGS = EXP16 INTVEC = 0X65 NOTE: The important part here is that what the bindings statement refers to must be the name of the statement for the EtherExpress statement. (i.e. if bindings=INTEL16, then must have [INTEL16]). Also EXP16$ should be in caps. 7. If you have problems, add a pause to the top line of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to see that the CONFIG.SYS loadS with no errors. SUN'S PCNFS WITH NDIS: ---------------------- Some of the parameters MUST BE CAPITALIZED. PROTOCOL.INI: [protocol manager] drivername=PROTMAN$ [EXP16.DOS] < Must match the bindings. ioaddress=0x300 drivername=EXP16$ [NFS-NDIS] drivername=NFSLINK1 bindings=EXP16.DOS < Must match the header AUTOEXEC.BAT: @ECHO OFF PROMPT $P$G PATH=C:\NFS SET NFSDRIVE=C PRT * C:\LANMAN\NETBIND NFSRUN CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE STACKS=0,0 BUFFERS=25 DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS FILES=20 DEVICE=C:\NFS\PCNFS.SYS DEVICE=C:\NFS\SOCKDRV.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.SYS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\EXP16.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\NFS-NDIS.SYS LASTDRIVE=V