Windows for Workgroups 3.11 This document explains how to install network drivers for an EtherExpress (TM) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, or MCA adapter on a Microsoft* Windows for Workgroups (WFW) 3.11 workstation. DRIVER LOCATION =============== Drivers are located on the floppy disk that came with your adapter. \WFW311\EE16.386 \WFW311\OEMSETUP.INF NOVELL NETWARE FILES MAY BE REQUIRED ==================================== 1. If you're installing Novell* NetWare* support on this workstation, you'll need these Novell NetWare files: NETWARE.DRV, NETWARE.HLP, NWPOPUP.EXE, VIPX.386, VNETWARE.386 These files are not on the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Driver and Option disk. To obtain these files, do one of the following: -Download the self-extracting file WINDR2.EXE from the Novell NetWire forum on CompuServe or Novell's FTP server ( -Call Novell (1-800-NETWARE) to have the files sent to you. -Contact a Novell NetWare dealer in your area. 2. To install proper driver support for Windows for Workgroups and Novell NetWare on the same workstation, you must first set up the workstation for NetWare using the DOS ODI client. Then, after logging into your NetWare file server, run Network Setup in Windows for Workgroups. BEFORE YOU START ================ You must configure and test the EtherExpress 16 adapter with SOFTSET.EXE before adding the adapter to Network Setup in Windows for Workgroups. You must boot the workstation with DOS, and then insert the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Driver and Option disk into drive A. At the DOS prompt, type: A:SOFTSET 1. Select "AUTOMATIC SETUP" to let SOFTSET configure the EtherExpress 16 adapter to work in your computer, or select "MANUAL SETUP" if you want to designate which interrupt and I/O address you want the adapter to use. 2. Select "RUN DIAGNOSTICS" from the main menu to test the configuration you have selected. If the EtherExpress 16 adapter fails diagnostics it may not function correctly under Windows for Workgroups. NOTE: SoftSet is a DOS program and will not run in Windows for Workgroups. You must run SoftSet from DOS. If Windows for Workgroups loads automatically on your computer, you can exit Windows for Workgroups to get back to DOS, or you can boot to DOS by inserting a DOS system disk into your floppy disk drive A when rebooting. INTRODUCTION ============ The setup and configuration of the EtherExpress 16 adapter is integrated into the Windows for Workgroups setup program. If an EtherExpress card is installed in the computer when you run Setup, it will detect the card and display the following message: "Windows Setup has detected the Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP network adapter in your computer. Do you want to install the driver for this adapter now?" YES NO The driver on the EtherExpress 16 LAN Driver and Options disk is newer than the EtherExpress driver included with Windows for Workgroups. If you choose YES, Windows installs Microsoft's EtherExpress 16 driver. The Windows for Workgroups setup program will automatically configure the EtherExpress 16 adapter and install the driver. However, this driver is older than the up-to-date driver on the EtherExpress adapter floppy disk. If you choose NO, you can install the up-to-date EtherExpress 16 driver, following the instructions below in GENERAL INSTALLATION. GENERAL INSTALLATION ==================== 1. Start WFW with the /N parameter. At the DOS prompt, type: C:\WINDOWS\WIN /N 2. Select the "Network Setup" icon in the Network Group. 3. Click the "Networks" button. Select "Install Microsoft Windows Network" and click "OK". 4. To add Novell NetWare support to this workstation, click "Other", then select "Novell NetWare Shell 3.x" if you are using NETX, or select Novell Netware Shell 4.x" if you are using VLM. Click "OK". 5. To share files and printers on this workstation, click the "Sharing" button and then click "OK". 6. Click the "Drivers" button. 7. If you're replacing a previously installed LAN adapter, select the old adapter and click the "Remove" button. 8. Click the "Add Adapter" button. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" and click "OK". 9. Insert the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Driver and Options disk into drive A and specify the location of the driver as: A:\WFW311 10. Select "Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP Update v1.04" from the list and click "OK". NOTE: If you are using an EtherExpress 16 MCA (IBM PS/2 MicroChannel*), select "Intel EtherExpress 16 or 16TP MCA Update v1.04" from the list. 11. Specify the Base I/O port, Interrupt, I/O Channel Ready, and Transceiver Type settings. If you're not sure what they should be, make a selection here and after WFW installation is complete, run SoftSet from DOS to make sure they are correct. NOTE: The default I/O Channel Ready setting is "LATE", which sets the EtherExpress 16 adapter to run in 16-bit mode. This setting is recommended for most systems. Setting I/O Channel Ready to "NEVER" will force the EtherExpress 16 into 8-bit mode. This setting is required when the EtherExpress 16 will pass the On-board diagnostics in SoftSet only when Force 8 bit operation is set to "YES". DO NOT set I/O Channel Ready to "EARLY". Setting the I/O Channel Ready to "EARLY" may cause the adapter to become inoperable. NOTE: If you are loading Novell NetWare ODI drivers these settings will be assigned automatically for you. 13. In the Network Drivers window, click "Close". 14. In the Network Setup window, click "OK". 15. In the Microsoft Windows Network Names window, enter the unique User Name, the name of your new or existing Workgroup, and a unique Computer Name for your workstation, and click "OK". 16. Choose "Yes To All" when WFW asks if you want to replace the files currently installed with the version you are installing now. 17. Insert WFW disk 7 and disk 8 when WFW asks for the driver update files. If prompted for the NetWare files, insert the Novell disk containing the drivers from the Novell WINDR2.EXE file. If prompted for the path of EE16.386, insert the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Driver and Options disk into drive A and type: A:\WFW\311 If prompted for the path of EXP16.DOS, insert the EtherExpress 16 LAN Adapter Driver and Options in drive A and type: A:\NDIS 18. When finished updating the files, WFW reports that it modified several files. Click "OK". 19. When WFW prompts you to reset your computer for the changes to take effect, click "Restart Computer". TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ==================== ERROR 58 WHILE LOADING PROTOCOL NUMBER 0... ------------------------------------------- If WFW fails to detect or initialize the EtherExpress 16, you will get this error message when starting WFW: THE FOLLOWING ERRORS OCCURRED WHILE LOADING PROTOCOL NUMBER 0: ERROR 58: THE NETWORK HAS RESPONDED INCORRECTLY. YOU MAY NEED TO RECONFIGURE THE PROTOCOL USING NETWORK SETUP. Try these steps: 1. Verify that the I/O address and interrupt being used by the EtherExpress 16 are not being used by any other device in your workstation like a sound card, fax modem, scanner, tape backup, serial port, parallel port, or other device. Look at the documentation or setup programs for the other installed adapters in your computer to verify what I/O address and interrupts they are using. Some sound cards use multiple interrupts and I/O addresses. For example, a typical sound card will use an I/O address of 220 and IRQ 5 for the sound port, an I/O address of 330 and IRQ 11 for the CD-ROM, and IRQ 2/9 for the MIDI/Joystick port. 2. Verify that the EtherExpress 16 passes all diagnostic tests by running SOFTSET.EXE from DOS and selecting "RUN DIAGNOSTICS". If the EtherExpress 16 fails diagnostics, it will not function correctly under Windows for Workgroups. If On-Board diagnostics fail, try setting the EtherExpress 16 adapter to a different I/O address or interrupt, or change the Force 8 bit Operation option to "YES". If On-Network diagnostics fail, there is likely a cable, connector, or hub problem. Verify that the cabling you are using is connected properly and that the cable is not defective. For more information on cable specifications, view the 10BaseT or COAX ethernet cabling readme files on the EtherExpress LAN adapter and Options disk. Note: "Responder not found" is NOT an error. This message will be displayed IF YOU ARE NOT RUNNING THE SOFTSET RESPONDER ON ANOTHER MACHINE with an EtherExpress card or if the card cannot actually communicate with the responder card. If you do not have a responder running or if the two cards cannot communicate, the diagnostics will try to send packets back to itself. 4. If you are using Novell NetWare and Windows for Workgroups fails to detect that the ODI drivers are loaded while running Network Setup, you will get this error message when starting Windows for Workgroups. Because Windows for Workgroups was not able to detect which ODI driver was loaded, it will add the variable "XXXX" to the NET.CFG and PROTOCOL.INI files where it should have specified "EXP16ODI". When this error occurs, you will need to manually edit the NET.CFG and PROTOCOL.INI files and replace all instances of "XXXX" with "EXP16ODI". Here are the entries that need to be changed: In PROTOCOL.INI, under the section heading [net.cfg], verify the path specified for your NET.CFG is correct. In PROTOCOL.INI, change the section heading [Link Driver XXXX] to [Link Driver EXP16ODI]. In PROTOCOL.INI, under the section heading [NWLINK], change both occurrences of "BINDINGS=XXXX" to "BINDINGS=EXP16ODI". In the NET.CFG, change "Link Driver XXXX" to "Link Driver EXP16ODI". WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS WON'T LOAD OR LOCKS UP --------------------------------------------- After installing the EtherExpress 16 adapter, if WFW won't load or locks up, make sure that the I/O address and interrupt used by the EtherExpress 16 adapter is not used by any other device (like sound cards, faxmodems, serial ports, parallel ports, etc.) in your workstation. If you are using EtherExpress 16 BNC adapters (coax), You must have a terminated cable attached to the EtherExpress card when you start Windows for Workgroups. If you do not, Windows for Workgroups may hang. ADAPTER PASSES DIAGNOSTICS BUT STILL DOES NOT WORK WITH WFW ----------------------------------------------------------- If the adapter passes diagnostics but still does not work with WFW, there could be a problem with the PROTOCOL.INI file. If you've made several attempts to configure WFW or had another adapter installed before the EtherExpress 16 adapter, it may be necessary to restore the PROTOCOL.INI file to its default settings and reinstall the EtherExpress 16 adapter driver. Here's how: 1. Start WFW with the /N parameter. At the DOS prompt type: C:\WINDOWS\WIN /N 2. Select the "Network Setup" icon in the Network group. 3. Click the "Networks" button. Select "No Windows Support For Networks" and click "OK". 4. In the Network Setup window, click "OK". 5. When WFW reports that it modified several files, click "OK". 6. When WFW prompts you to reset your computer for the changes to take effect, click "Restart Computer". After the workstation reboots, continue at step 3 of the "GENERAL INSTALLATION" section of this document. CANT SEE ANY OTHER WORKSTATIONS ------------------------------- If Windows for Workgroups loads without error messages but you can't see any other computers on your network, verify that the name of the workgroup is correct and that you are logged on to the network. Here's how: 1. Select the "CONTROL PANEL" icon. 2. Select the "Network" icon. 3. Verify the workgroup name on your computer is the same as the workgroup name on a working computer. 4. If your Logon Status is "Not logged on", click "LOG ON". This problem can also be caused by a problem with the cable, connectors, or hub. Verify that the cabling you are using is connected properly and that the cable is not defective. Also, try running diagnostics on the adapter\cabling by selecting "Run Diagnostics on Network" in SoftSet. THE ETHEREXPRESS 16 I/O ADDRESS OR IRQ IS CHANGING BY ITSELF ------------------------------------------------------------ Windows for Workgroups has the ability to change the EtherExpress adapter settings just like SoftSet does. The Windows for Workgroups Setup program does not read the EtherExpress EPROM for preassigned values. However, it does scan the computer for conflicts and will set the Keyword values in PROTOCOL.INI to their defaults unless it finds a conflict or you manually select a value. If there is a conflict with the default value, WFW continues until it finds the first unused value. For example, if you set the EtherExpress 16 adapter to interrupt 5 using SoftSet before you run the Windows for Workgroups Setup, and interrupt 3 is unused, Windows for Workgroups will set the interrupt to 3 unless you manually configure it differently in Network Setup. Windows for Workgroups defaults for EtherExpress 16 adapter: IRQ: 3 IOCHRDY: Late IOADDRESS: 300 TRANSCEIVER: Thin net (BNC/COAX) If you use SoftSet to change the configuration of the EtherExpress 16, you will also have to change the setting for the EtherExpress adapter in Windows for Workgroups Network Setup by doing one of the following: 1. To change the EtherExpress 16 adapter setting within Windows for Workgroups, select the "Network Setup" icon, then select "DRIVERS", then select "SETUP". The changes that you make here are stored in the PROTOCOL.INI file created by WFW. 2. With the DOS EDIT command, manually edit C:\WINDOWS\PROTOCOL.INI to match the I/O address and interrupt settings assigned to the EtherExpress 16 by SoftSet. The section in PROTOCOL.INI to change is [EE16$AT]. Below is a sample PROTOCOL.INI: [network.setup] version=0x3110 netcard=ee16$at,1,EE16$AT,3 transport=ms$nwlinknb,NWLINK transport=ms$ndishlp,MS$NDISHLP transport=ms$netbeui,NETBEUI lana0=ee16$at,1,ms$netbeui lana1=ee16$at,1,ms$nwlinknb lana2=ee16$at,1,ms$ndishlp [protman] DriverName=PROTMAN$ PRIORITY=MS$NDISHLP [EE16$AT] DriverName=EXP16$ BUSTYPE=ISA IOADDRESS=0x300 IRQ=5 IOCHRDY=Late TRANSCEIVER=Twisted-Pair (TPE) [EE16] Adapters=EE16$AT [NWLINK] BINDINGS=EE16$AT [MS$NDISHLP] DriverName=ndishlp$ BINDINGS=EE16$AT [NETBEUI] DriverName=netbeui$ SESSIONS=10 NCBS=12 BINDINGS=EE16$AT LANABASE=0 * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.