Banyan Vines DOS workstations (NDIS) This document applies to the EtherExpress(tm) 16, 16TP, 16C, FLASH, FLASH TP, FLASHC, MCA, and MCA/TP adapters. It contains installation notes for installing the NDIS driver. It does not explain how to configure an EtherExpress adapter. For instructions about configuring the adapter, see the printed installation guide. INTRODUCTION ------------ This document contains information relating to Banyan* Vines* releases 4.00(0), 4.00(1), 4.00(2), and 4.10. The EtherExpress network adapters communicate with Banyan Vines via an NDIS driver supplied on the EtherExpress diskette. Vines versions 4.00(x) require a patch from Banyan to talk to an NDIS driver. Version 4.10 has this patch included. For information about these patches call your Banyan Vines representative and ask for Banyan Vines Bulletin #200 dated 9/1/91. The patch for versions 4.00(0) and 4.00(1) is called NEW REV 1Y. The patch for version 4.00(2) is called NEW REV patch 2NNN. NEW REV patch 2NNN contains four files: - NDISBAN.COM The VINES NDIS driver - NDISBAN.DOC An ASCII file with driver installation instructions - PROTMAN.DOS Version 1.1 of the protocol manager - NETBIND.EXE Starts Protman NOTE: The version of TCP/IP supplied with Banyan Vines 4.X does not support NDIS drivers. To use TCP/IP with an NDIS driver, you will need to purchase a version of TCP/IP that supports NDIS. We recommend you call your Banyan support representative for more information. The rest of this document is installation notes on how to install the EtherExpress NDIS driver with Banyan Vines 4.00(2). PROCEDURE FOR A VINES 4.00(2) WORKSTATION ----------------------------------------- 1. You will need the I/O address and IRQ of the EtherExpress card. Boot your computer from a DOS diskette. EtherExpress 16: Run SOFTSET and choose View Configuration. EtherExpress MCA: Run the System Configuration utility and choose View Configuration. 2. From a workstation already on the network, install the NDIS patch on your server(s). The NDIS support files will be copied onto the Z:\PCINIT subdirectory of your server. NOTE: This patch should be on a server that is within one hop of the workstation. 3. Read the NDISBAN.DOC file in the Z:\PCINIT subdirectory of your server. This readme file was supplied with the NDIS patch. 4. Follow Banyan's instructions for creating a boot disk. (You must be using DOS 3.1 or newer.) 5. Run PCCOPY from the Z drive of the server. 6. When PCCOPY prompts you to select a LAN adapter, select "NDIS Ethernet." PCCOPY will copy the appropriate files to your boot disk. 7. On your boot disk, create a A:\LANMAN subdirectory. 8. From the EtherExpress diskette, copy \VINES\PROTOCOL.INI file to the new \LANMAN directory on the boot disk. DO NOT specify the IRQ level in the PROTOCOL.INI file. However, if the EtherExpress adapter is set to use an I/O address other than 300h, edit the PROTOCOL.INI and change the IOADDRESS=300 to the correct I/O address. 9. Copy \NDIS\EXP16.DOS from the EtherExpress diskette to the root directory of the boot diskette. Verify that the root directory also contains BAN.EXE. 10. From the boot disk, run PCCONFIG and select "NDIS Ethernet." Choose the IRQ that matches the configuration of the EtherExpress board. When PCCONFIG prompts for "Bindings =", enter EXP16. 11. Before exiting PCCONFIG, save the configuration. 12. Add these two lines to your CONFIG.SYS file: Device=PROTMAN.DOS Device=EXP16.DOS 13. Using this boot disk, reboot the workstation. The workstation will logon to the network. * Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.